更新於 2024/06/08閱讀時間約 6 分鐘

每日英語 #022: 當你長大後想成為什麼呢?

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up? 當你長大後想成為什麼呢?

A common question we ask young children is, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” meaning “What job or occupation do you want when you are an adult?” Sometimes we use this phrase as a joke when talking among ourselves as adults, to suggest that we are not yet mature or very old.


The most common responses from young boys are often things like “fireman” or “policeman” or perhaps “baseball player.” (We usually say firefighter and police officer nowadays, since it could be a man or a woman.)


A 2008 national survey of American adults asked which professions they thought had “very great prestige.” “Prestige” means that you have a good opinion of it, that it is very desirable. Here were the top answers, with the percentage of people indicating that profession in parentheses:


  • Firefighter (57%) 消防員
  • Scientist (56%) 科學家
  • Doctor (53%) 醫生
  • Nurse (52%) 護士
  • Teacher (52%) 老師
  • Military officer (46%) 軍官
  • Police officer (43%) 警察
  • Clergy (leader of a church, such as a priest, minister) (40%) 牧師(教堂的領袖,例如牧師,牧師
  • Congressman (a U.S. government representative) (28%) 國會議員(美國政府代表)
  • Lawyer (24%) 律師-
  • Athlete (such as a football, soccer, or baseball player) (20%) 運動員(如足球、足球或棒球選手)
  • Journalist (18%) 記者
  • Actor (16%) 演員
  • Business executives (11%) 商業高管
  • Real estate brokers (people who sell houses and buildings) (6%) 房地產經紀人(賣房子和建築物的人

As you can see, firefighter and police officer are still “held in high esteem” (people have a good opinion of them), but athletes are not considered so prestigious. It is also interesting to “note” (notice; see) that “business executive” (bosses in a company or business) is among the lowest ranked professions, almost as low as real estate brokers, although there are certainly a lot more businesspeople than there are doctors or firefighters.



  1. prestige 聲望 /prɛsˈtiːʒ/
  2. firefighter 消防員 /ˈfaɪərˌfaɪtər/
  3. police officer 警察 /pəˈlis ˈɔfɪsər/
  4. scientist 科學家 /ˈsaɪəntɪst/
  5. nurse 護士 /nɜːrs/
  6. military officer 軍官 /ˈmɪlɪˌtɛri ˈɔfɪsər/
  7. clergy 牧師 /ˈklɜːrd
  8. congressman 國會議員 /ˈkɑŋɡrɛsmən/
  9. lawyer 律師 /ˈlɔɪər/
  10. athlete 運動員 /ˈæθliːt/
  11. journalist 記者 /ˈdʒɜːrnəlɪst/
  12. actor 演員 /ˈæktər/
  13. business executives 商業高管 /ˈbɪznɪs ɪɡˈzɛkjətɪvz/
  14. real estate brokers 房地產經紀人 /rɪəl ɪˈsteɪt ˈbrəʊkərz/
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