每日英語 #056:I Have Five Goats and Eight Chickens in my Apartme

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I Have Five Goats and Eight Chickens in my Apartment

Have you ever wanted the benefits of living on a farm, but live in an apartment or house in the city? Some people in the U.S. are not allowing their small living spaces to “get in the way of” (prevent them from) their desire for fresh meat and “dairy” (milk) products.

你是否曾經想過享受住在農場的好處,但卻住在城市的公寓或房子裡? 一些美國人不讓他們的小居住空間「妨礙」(阻止他們)他們對新鮮肉類和「乳製品」(牛奶產品)的渴望。

One recent “trend” (general direction that something is developing) is for “urban-dwellers” (people living in cities) to keep “barnyard” (farm) animals in their backyards or even indoors. Some people keep chickens, rabbits, turkeys, bees, and even “dwarf” (miniature; small-sized) goats! This trend has been “fueled by” (encouraged by) people wanting to eat food grown locally and “organically” (without the use of chemicals), and also because the uncertain economy has made people want to be more “self-sufficient,” able to rely on themselves for producing food.


Some people keep chickens for eggs, and there are even companies that sell “diapers” (material you normally put around a baby’s bottom and between his/her legs to keep clean) for your indoor chickens. Miniature goats are kept for milk and for eating “weeds” (unwanted plants) in the yard, and bees are kept for honey.


As you can imagine, not everyone is happy about having barnyard animals as their neighbors. Some animals are noisy, others smell, and still others can do serious damage if they “escape” (get out of their cage or living space). That is why cities are “scrambling” (doing something quickly and perhaps not doing it well) to change or develop new laws to control and limit this type of “animal husbandry” (the science and keeping of farm animals).


In Seattle, Washington, for example, you can have no more than three goats on a 5,000-square-foot property. In Atlanta, Georgia, you are limited to 75 rabbits on a “residential” (home) property, and in Oakland, California, you must leave 20 feet between any place chickens are kept and a place where people live; “roosters” (male chickens) are not allowed.



  • 1. Dairy [ˈdɛəri] 乳製品
  • 2. Trend [trɛnd] 趨勢
  • 3. Urban-dwellers [ˈɜːrbən ˈdwɛlərz] 城市居民
  • 4. Barnyard [ˈbɑrnˌjɑrd] 農場
  • 5. Dwarf [dwɔrf] 矮小的
  • 6. Fueled by [ˈfjuːəld baɪ] 受到鼓勵
  • 7. Organically [ɔːrˈɡænɪkli] 有機地
  • 8. Self-sufficient [ˌsɛlf səˈfɪʃənt] 自給自足的
  • 9. Diapers [ˈdaɪpərz] 尿布
  • 10. Weeds [wiːdz] 雜草
  • 11. Escape [ɪˈskeɪp] 逃跑
  • 12. Scrambling [ˈskræmblɪŋ] 爭先恐後
  • 13. Animal husbandry [ˈænɪməl ˈhʌzbəndri] 畜牧業
  • 14. Residential [ˌrɛzɪˈdɛnʃəl] 住宅的
  • 15. Roosters [ˈruːstərz] 公雞
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