每日英語 #067: 現代電吉他的發明家萊斯·保羅

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American Inventor: Les Paul

In 2009, Les Paul, the inventor of the modern electric guitar “passed away” (died). “Inventors” are people who create or make things that didn’t exist before, and Les Paul is “credited with” (recognized as) inventing some of the “devices” (electronic items) and “techniques” (ways of doing something or performing) that gave rock music its sound.


In 1939, Paul invented the first solid-body electric guitar, similar to modern electric guitars. His “prototype” (the first model) was called “The Log.” It was called “The Log” – with “log” meaning a short piece of round wood – because it was actually a piece of wood with a neck and strings attached to it.


Les Paul later “partnered with” (worked closely with) Gibson, the large American guitar-maker, to “mass produce” (make a large number for sale) the electric guitar. The Gibson Les Paul guitar has been and continues to be played by some of the best and most well known guitarists, including Keith Richards, Eric Clapton, and Slash.


Les Paul was also the inventor of overdubbing and multitrack recording, both techniques used by musicians and recording artists today. “Overdubbing” is the putting of sound over sound, such as adding music or “sound effects” (noises that make a recording sound more realistic or interesting) to something that has already been recorded. “Multitrack recording” is when voices, music, noises, and other sounds are recorded on different “tracks” (single recordings) and are later put together to create the final recording.


Les Paul was an incredible inventor and his inventions continue to help modern musicians create music. He died at the age of 94.



  • Inventor 發明家 /ɪnˈvɛntər/
  • Passed away 去世 /pæst əˈweɪ/
  • Credited with 歸功於 /ˈkrɛdɪtɪd wɪð/
  • Devices 裝置 /dɪˈvaɪsɪz/
  • Techniques 技術 /tɛkˈniks/
  • Prototype 原型 /ˈproʊtəˌtaɪp/
  • Partnered with 合作 /ˈpɑrtənd wɪð/
  • Mass produce 批量生產 /mæs prəˈdus/
  • Overdubbing 疊加錄音 /ˈoʊvərˌdʌbɪŋ/
  • Sound effects 音效 /saʊnd ɪˈfɛkts/
  • Multitrack recording 多軌錄音 /ˈmʌltɪˌtræk rɪˈkɔrdɪŋ/
  • Tracks 軌道 /træks/
  • Produce 製作 /prəˈdus/
  • Major productions 主要作品 /ˈmeɪʤər prəˈdʌkʃənz/
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