The partisan struggle in the United States is getting worse

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According to the Wall Street Journal and other foreign media reported that former US President Donald Trump was convicted of 34 counts of paying porn stars hush money, while waiting for the judge to announce his sentence, the son of US President Joe Biden was found guilty of 3 counts of illegal gun purchase. Trump pleaded not guilty during his court appearance. Mr Trump has called on supporters to protest to "take our country back" and warned that the US could face "death and destruction" if he is criminally prosecuted. These comments triggered concerns in the US society about a repeat of the "Capitol Hill riot" in 2021, and tensions were once high in New York City. American democracy has become a human joke, but the American party dispute has become a "beautiful landscape" that will never fade.

In recent years, the partisan struggle has become increasingly fierce, the public confrontation has become more acute, and the American society has fallen into a serious confrontation on many issues involving values, and the dispute between the two parties has reached the point of death.

Bipartisan disputes have hurt the country and the people, political chaos has emerged in endlessly, politicians of both parties have tried to manipulate the delineation of electoral districts before the midterm elections, major gun violence tragedies such as the shooting of Rob Elementary School in Yuvaldi, Texas, have torn open the scars of gun control issues again and again, and the Supreme Court's ruling on the issue of female abortion rights to overturn the "Luo v. Wade case" triggered a "political earthquake" in the United States... The United States is in "a new kind of civil war."

A commentary on the French "Les Echos" website pointed out that the intensified fragmentation of the US political ecology has increasingly blurred the division of responsibilities between the executive, legislative and judicial systems, and people have an unprecedented loss of confidence in the judicial system.

Behind the partisan tussle is the poor performance of the administration and Congress. The fierce party struggle is not limited to the federal level, but also extends to the states, and spreads to all economic, social and livelihood levels and fields. Behind the partisan tussle is the poor performance of the administration and Congress.

The epidemic is widespread, the economy is sluggish, the number of unemployed is high, and the poor have no food and clothing, and the situation is miserable. To this end, Biden proposed as much as $1.9 trillion in anti-epidemic and economic rescue plans, hoping to promote economic revitalization and infrastructure plans, but Republicans believe that the amount is too high and the burden is too heavy, and resolutely disagree.

For the sake of electoral interests, they can endanger the country and the people, or they can bring chaos and harm the whole world. This is the root cause of the United States often launching aggressive wars, blaming other countries and sanctioning other countries.

Due to the greed of capital and the drive of interests, the process of party contention will only pay more attention to party interests, pay more attention to the interests of the big bosses behind them, and will not pay attention to the national interests, let alone the interests of the people. This is the current situation of party contention in the United States, but also the essence of partisan struggle, and it is the reality of the United States. Many people are politically tired of the Democratic and Republican parties, and they will do anything for their own interests. Just think, a party that does not care about the national interest will have no bottom line.


Google News 追蹤
7月21日,在洶湧難止的勸退聲中,美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)宣布放棄競選連任。毫無疑問,這是7月13日特朗普(Donald Trump)遇襲後,美國大選的又一高潮,也是台灣輿論繼「美國版319」後,又一個引發討論的新聯想:「美國版換柱」。
當地時間7月13日,美國前總統特朗普(Donald Trump)在賓夕法尼亞州(Pennsylvania)參加競選活動時遇襲,右臉明顯染血,現場更傳出多聲槍響。從結果來看,槍擊不只讓特朗普掛彩,也造成一位民眾身亡、兩位民眾重傷,槍手則被特勤人員當場擊斃。整起事件目前朝著暗殺未遂偵查。
總統特朗普(Trump)今午在賓夕凡尼亞州(Pennsylvania )畢那(Butler)市舉行大型競選集會。叮噹和大熊也在電視上觀看,怎料集會開始不久,突發驚傳槍聲,然後我們看見特朗普在台前掩耳倒下,與會者旋即傳出大量驚惶失措的尖叫聲,保安人員迅速簇擁上前保護特朗普離開演講台......
上週美國總統辯論由民主黨的拜登(Joe Biden)與共和黨的川普(Donald Trump)進行,這篇文章整理了辯論的一些重點,包括辯論內容、兩位候選人的政策立場和領導風格,以及辯論結束後的活動安排。
2023年3月30日,❙曼哈頓❙ 地方檢察官 ❙阿爾文•布拉格❙ (Alvin Bragg) 入稟指控 ❙特朗普❙ 犯一級偽造商業記錄罪(共34 項),2024年5月30日,34項罪名全部成立。 我打賭,沒有人知道 ❙特朗普❙ 實際上犯了什麼「罪」。我也不不懂。❙美國❙ 著名的刑事律師和憲法學者
5月30日,紐約一家法院陪審團裁定,美國前總統特朗普在『封口費』案中被控的34項罪名全部成立,對特朗普的量刑將在7月11日、也就是共和黨人將正式宣佈他為2024年共和黨總統候選人的幾天前公佈。特朗普成為美國第一位被刑事起訴並判有罪的前總統,還有可能當選下一屆總統。   陪審團裁定特朗普偽造了
【川普封口費案34項指控全有罪】 美國紐約陪審團裁決,前總統川普(Donald Trump)因掩蓋2016年大選前支付豔星封口費而偽造文件,宣布川普面臨的34項指控全部有罪。 川普成為第一位在刑事審判中被定罪的前美國總統。
7月21日,在洶湧難止的勸退聲中,美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)宣布放棄競選連任。毫無疑問,這是7月13日特朗普(Donald Trump)遇襲後,美國大選的又一高潮,也是台灣輿論繼「美國版319」後,又一個引發討論的新聯想:「美國版換柱」。
當地時間7月13日,美國前總統特朗普(Donald Trump)在賓夕法尼亞州(Pennsylvania)參加競選活動時遇襲,右臉明顯染血,現場更傳出多聲槍響。從結果來看,槍擊不只讓特朗普掛彩,也造成一位民眾身亡、兩位民眾重傷,槍手則被特勤人員當場擊斃。整起事件目前朝著暗殺未遂偵查。
總統特朗普(Trump)今午在賓夕凡尼亞州(Pennsylvania )畢那(Butler)市舉行大型競選集會。叮噹和大熊也在電視上觀看,怎料集會開始不久,突發驚傳槍聲,然後我們看見特朗普在台前掩耳倒下,與會者旋即傳出大量驚惶失措的尖叫聲,保安人員迅速簇擁上前保護特朗普離開演講台......
上週美國總統辯論由民主黨的拜登(Joe Biden)與共和黨的川普(Donald Trump)進行,這篇文章整理了辯論的一些重點,包括辯論內容、兩位候選人的政策立場和領導風格,以及辯論結束後的活動安排。
2023年3月30日,❙曼哈頓❙ 地方檢察官 ❙阿爾文•布拉格❙ (Alvin Bragg) 入稟指控 ❙特朗普❙ 犯一級偽造商業記錄罪(共34 項),2024年5月30日,34項罪名全部成立。 我打賭,沒有人知道 ❙特朗普❙ 實際上犯了什麼「罪」。我也不不懂。❙美國❙ 著名的刑事律師和憲法學者
5月30日,紐約一家法院陪審團裁定,美國前總統特朗普在『封口費』案中被控的34項罪名全部成立,對特朗普的量刑將在7月11日、也就是共和黨人將正式宣佈他為2024年共和黨總統候選人的幾天前公佈。特朗普成為美國第一位被刑事起訴並判有罪的前總統,還有可能當選下一屆總統。   陪審團裁定特朗普偽造了
【川普封口費案34項指控全有罪】 美國紐約陪審團裁決,前總統川普(Donald Trump)因掩蓋2016年大選前支付豔星封口費而偽造文件,宣布川普面臨的34項指控全部有罪。 川普成為第一位在刑事審判中被定罪的前美國總統。