2024 EXEED Global User Summit Introduces New Robots

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As digital technology rapidly evolves, a wave of "artificial intelligence integration" is sweeping through the new energy sector. The 2024 EXEED Global User Summit has just concluded, during which EXEED showcased its first high-fidelity ecological walking robot Mornine, the second-generation intelligent robotic dog Argos, and a series of derivative ecological products in its ecological exhibition hall. Through the "For Us, For Future" ecological press conference and ecological sales event, EXEED conveyed its latest smart technology and profound insights into future lifestyles to global industry leaders, partners, authoritative media, and user representatives.

EXEED Sets Up High-Tech Ecological Exhibition Hall to Deliver Future Life Experience

As the core exhibition area of the 2024 EXEED Global User Summit, the meticulously designed ecological exhibition hall by EXEED demonstrated how artificial intelligence technology seamlessly integrates into daily life and brings richer and more colorful life experiences to users through the robot Mornine and the robotic dog Argos.

When guests entered the ecological exhibition area, they were first greeted by two robotic dogs dressed in traditional Chinese lion dance costumes, welcoming guests from around the world in a high-tech manner. Inside the exhibition area, each ecological exhibition hall was equipped with a patrolling robotic dog that closely interacted with the guests.

EXEED also placed multiple robots in the ecological exhibition hall. Not only could they dance, but they also served as on-site intelligent service officers, engaging in human-robot conversations, fetching drinks, and explaining EXEED's new vehicles to guests. The highly flexible interaction capabilities of EXEED robots and robotic dogs allowed guests to personally experience the charm of EXEED's intelligent ecological products.

Based on its imagination of the future, EXEED also created a rich array of ecological products revolving around the "human-vehicle-life" system, including YUFO vehicle-mounted drones, VR glasses, outdoor handheld sports cameras, binoculars, charging piles, and more. These intelligent ecological products not only showcase EXEED's innovative achievements in the field of smart technology but will also serve as a bridge connecting people with technology, the present with the future, ushering in a brand-new intelligent era for global users.

EXEED Creates a Smart Technology Feast, Receiving Personal Visit from Former New Zealand Prime Minister

During the ecological exhibition of the 2024 EXEED Global User Summit, the robotic dog Argos demonstrated its comprehensive innovations in intelligent interaction, sound source localization, far-field voice pickup, intelligent following, and autonomous obstacle avoidance through a three-day off-road challenge. This challenge not only tested the technological limits of the robotic dog but also provided the on-site audience with an unprecedented interactive experience. In addition, the robotic dog participated in a special event - adding a unique sense of fun to the welcome lineup for the 7 long-distance test guests at the closing ceremony of EXEED's 1100+ KM "Ultra-Endurance Challenge" from Beijing to Wuhu.

On October 20, the 36th Prime Minister of New Zealand, Dame Jenny Shipley, visited the EXEED ecological exhibition area. She had a warm interaction with the welcoming robotic dog, and the moment she bent down to shake hands with Argos became a highlight of the summit. Moreover, Dame Jenny Shipley also engaged in conversations and interactions with the robots in the exhibition hall, personally experiencing their natural interaction and professional capabilities.

On the last day of the summit, multiple robotic dogs precisely followed the rhythm of the music and completed a technologically-infused synchronized dance performance. The arrangement of a series of activities not only demonstrated the advanced nature and diversity of EXEED's intelligent ecological products but also highlighted its outstanding performance in innovation.

AI robots, robotic dogs, drones, and other products that seem unrelated to the automotive market are actually the key to the future development of the automotive and mobility market. Leveraging its strong technological accumulation, EXEED has deployed a diversified industry around the automotive value chain, building an ecosystem that integrates future life and intelligent mobility. EXEED's forward-looking layout will undoubtedly make it a leader in the industry.

Company:Chery Automobile Co., Ltd.

Contact Person:lixueting

Email: lixueting@mychery.com



City :Wuhu

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前言 在2024年,地球經歷著一場長久的疫情,但希望的曙光似乎終於降臨。 同時,全球科技界也在CES消費性電子產品展中展示著一場前所未有的盛宴,AI PC的新技術讓人類面對未來充滿無限的可能性。 本故事將融合疫情解封、CES展覽,以及夢幻的科技前景,為讀者帶來一場奇幻的冒險。 角色介紹
2024年7/6閉幕的上海 AI 人工智能大會,參觀人數突破30萬人次,線上流量突破19億,比上屆成長了90%,均創歷史新高,全世界對機器人的焦點持續增溫,但台股相關個股已經有過熱現象,美股目前對這議題發酵性討論性較低,因此我們將對基機器人產業及相關個股做一探討。
本次COMPUTEX 2024的六大主題:人工智慧運算、前瞻通訊、未來移動、沉浸現實、綠能永續及創新,每個主題都跟XR相關。XR延展實境包括AR、VR、MR,產業發展十幾年下來,技術越臻成熟,並受益於其他科技如5G、IoT、 AI、空間運算、區塊練的支持,為XR提供了穩健的基礎。
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2024年台北國際電腦展(COMPUTEX 2024)於6月4日至7日在台北南港展覽館盛大舉行,吸引了來自全球的1,500家廠商展示4,500個攤位。本次展覽的主題為「AI串聯,共創未來」(Connecting AI),重點聚焦於人工智慧運算、前瞻通訊、未來移動、沉浸現實、綠能永續及創新等六大領域​
即將舉辦的2024 COMPUTEX Forum將聚集全球科技領袖,共同探討生成式 AI 的未來發展,也代表臺灣在全球 AI 產業中的重要地位。文章也特別介紹了GeniAuto_X應用在企業內部(業務及行銷部門)和外部客服的生成式AI對話機器人,有助於臺灣企業與生成式AI的接軌,提升整體運營效率。
Hello 大家好,我是萊丘!今天我們要來聊聊2024年的CES大展,特別是三星展出的一系列令人驚艷的AI產品。 今年,三星以「AI for all」為主題,將AI技術的創新融入我們的日常生活,從智慧家庭助手到先進的家電產品。接下來,我將帶大家深入了解這些創新產品如何改變我們的生活方式,Let's
前言 在2024年,地球經歷著一場長久的疫情,但希望的曙光似乎終於降臨。 同時,全球科技界也在CES消費性電子產品展中展示著一場前所未有的盛宴,AI PC的新技術讓人類面對未來充滿無限的可能性。 本故事將融合疫情解封、CES展覽,以及夢幻的科技前景,為讀者帶來一場奇幻的冒險。 角色介紹