'The space is like an instrument': How Notre-Dame found its voice after fire muffled it
作者Richard Gray @chalkmark
Performers and visitors to the famous gothic cathedral in the midst of the River Seine may find some subtle differences to the way sound bounces around its walls. (位於塞納河中央的這座著名哥德式大教堂,無論是表演者還是訪客,都可能會發現聲音在其牆壁間回響的方式有些微妙的變化。)
The Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris has borne witness to many turning points in history. The building's striking gothic stonework has stood sentry on an island in the midst of the River Seine since the late 12th Century as coronations, wars and revolutions have unfolded in its shadow. What you might not realise, however, is that the cathedral has played a key part in shaping the music you hear when you turn on the radio or stream a playlist. (巴黎聖母院見證了歷史上的許多重要時刻。自 12 世紀末以來,這座建築以其引人注目的哥德式石雕矗立在塞納河中的小島上,見證了加冕典禮、戰爭和革命的發展。然而,你可能沒有意識到的是,這座大教堂在塑造我們今天在收音機或串流播放清單中聽到的音樂方面,發揮關鍵作用。)
1.instrument (n.) 樂器;工具
She spent years mastering the violin, a musical instrument known for its rich and expressive sound.
2.Notre-Dame (n.) 巴黎聖母院
Notre-Dame is not only an architectural masterpiece but also a symbol of France’s cultural heritage.
3.muffle (v.) 減弱(聲音);裹住
The thick fog seemed to muffle the sound of the distant church bells.
4.gothic (adj.) 哥德式的
The gothic architecture of the cathedral features soaring arches and intricate stone carvings.
5.cathedral (n.) 大教堂
The grand cathedral stood as a testament to the city’s rich history and religious devotion.
6.subtle (adj.) 微妙的;細膩的
The artist’s use of subtle color variations created a sense of depth in the painting.
7.bounce (v.) 反彈;彈跳
The basketball bounced off the backboard before falling perfectly into the hoop.
8.striking (adj.) 顯著的;引人注目的
The building’s striking facade immediately captures the attention of visitors.
9.sentry (n.) 哨兵;警衛
A sentry stood at the entrance, ensuring only authorized personnel could enter.
10.coronation (n.) 加冕典禮
The coronation of the new monarch was a grand ceremony attended by dignitaries from around the world.
11.unfold (v.) 展開;發展
As the story unfolds, the protagonist discovers a long-lost family secret.