
含有「LawofOne」共 4 篇內容
I've heard of the name "Ra" in connection with the Egyptians. 1.3 發問者:我曾聽過「Ra」這個名字與埃及人的關聯。 Are you connected with that Ra in any way? 你們是否以任何方式跟那個 Ra
Questioner: It seems members of the Confederation have a specific purpose. 發問者:星際邦聯的成員們似乎都有個特定的目標。 Is this true with you, and if so, what is your pur
I am Ra. I have not spoken through this instrument before. RA:我是 Ra。我之前沒有透過這個器皿說過話。 { 器皿:通靈/傳訊的人,在這裡指 Carla } { Ra:這個群體以此稱呼他們自己,引自古埃及人對太陽神的稱呼。Ra 不曾說過
Law of One 資料引用來源: 英文: 中文:星際邦聯與蓋亞後援會 Q'uo 資料引用來源: 英文:Conscious Channeling 中文:L/L圖書館中文選集