WHO FCTC菸草減害專家王郁揚則拿出2018年衛福部長陳時中接受專訪影片,陳部長在2018年承諾:「如果大家有提出一些很明確的證據跟理由,那我們當然還是會從善如流嘛, 但是要有科學的證據。」這段專訪不就是陳時中自己「逆時中」的鐵證嗎?現在WHO與FDA的正面科學證據都在檯面上,只等衛福部長點頭了。
Contrary to the antivaping narrative, e-cigarettes are the best, least harmful way for smokers to give up tobacco. By discouraging smokers from switching to e-cigarettes, antivapers are consigning hundreds of thousands—if not millions —of people to painful, premature death.
儘管青少年電子菸使用率增加,但他們並沒有轉換抽香菸。事實上,青少年香菸吸食率已 經暴跌。
While a growing number of teenagers vape, they are not moving on to cigarettes. In fact, cigarette smoking among teens has plummeted.
Contrary to what happens in the U.S., Britain encourages smokers to switch to vaping.