(台灣衛生福利部) 電子煙不能幫助戒菸 戒菸找專業,專業助戒菸
(英國衛生部 Public Health England) 證據顯示電子菸戒煙效果比尼古丁替代療法好
23 February 2021
Vaping better than nicotine replacement therapy for stopping smoking, evidence suggests
As number of vapers in England plateaus, incorrect perceptions of its relative risks compared to smoking may be discouraging smokers from using vaping to quit.
(加拿大衛生部Health Canada and PHAC)證據顯示電子煙可以幫助成人戒菸
Switching to vaping nicotine is less harmful than continuing to smoke cigarettes.
While vaping has risks, evidence also suggests that vaping can help adults quit smoking.
Vaping can help you quit smoking
Dependence on e-cigarettes and cigarettes in a cross-sectional study of US adults
Association of initial e-cigarette and other tobacco product use with subsequent cigarette smoking in adolescents: a cross-sectional, matched control study
#黑箱 #菸害防制法
「#行政院連署」避免美國禁酒令慘劇上演&地下黑市問題猖獗-「電子菸合法化(Legalize Vaping)」1/31開始