Compare HK Employment and Investment visa

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Hong Kong is a world-famous international business and financial hub. Let’s take a closer look at the visa specificities.
Despite the tumultuous recent years due to the social unrests followed by the pandemic, Hong Kong remains one of the most business-friendly jurisdictions attracting a multitude of businesses and foreign investments. To maintain its economic growth and competitiveness in the new global economy, a strong international workforce is inescapable. Hong Kong has been able to maintain a free flow of highly skilled and educated talents and professionals from around the globe thanks to its business-friendly immigration policy, designed to accommodate investors, business entrepreneurs and professionals alike.
To be able to work in one of the world’s most exciting cities, you need a Hong Kong work permit and temporary residency. The government encourages foreigners to apply for positions and move to Hong Kong to take up residency, but an applicant needs to prove that he/she has what it takes to contribute to Hong Kong’s established economy by fulfilling the eligibility criteria of any one of the employment or business visa options. To obtain a work status and residency in Hong Kong, you may apply either an Investment as Entrepreneur or Employment visa. Let’s take a closer look at their respective specificities.

Employment Visa Scheme

The Employment Visa is meant for persons who will be employed by a Hong Kong company and residing in Hong Kong. It can only be applied for after the person has secured an employment with a Hong Kong company.
Being a well-educated professional is something that can be proven by having received a first degree in the field he/she will be working in once in Hong Kong. In some cases, good technical qualifications combined with evidence of professional abilities, relevant experience and/or track records may be enough even without a bachelor’s degree.
Being a unique professional means there are no experts in Hong Kong who could fill the position; this alone may sometimes be sufficient to justify the grant of the Hong Kong work visa. To prove that he/she is uniquely qualified, an applicant should enclose as much evidence of his/her relevant competence and relevant professional experience as possible.
Even if a company has operations in Hong Kong, applicants must ensure that their employer has a Hong Kong business registration license and is able to demonstrate a good reason why a local candidate cannot fill the job opening. Some of the documents that could support this are job advertisements, resumes of unsuccessful candidates and interview records. In addition, the sponsoring company should maintain a good ratio between local and foreign hires (the more local employees the better).

Investment as Entrepreneur Visa Scheme

If you have a decent business idea and you want to establish a business in Hong Kong, then Hong Kong welcomes you. Under the Investment as Entrepreneur Visa, foreign entrepreneurs can stay in Hong Kong on employment status under their own company. The Investment as Entrepreneur Visa is a form of employment visa, and it was meant for foreign entrepreneurs and business owners who wish to relocate to Hong Kong to start and/or manage their own business. “Manage” means actively participate in the daily business operations.
Hong Kong craves for foreigners with exceptional talents and business experience to build lucrative businesses in its region and stimulate economic growth. When a foreign professional is capable of making substantial contribution to Hong Kong’s economy, this foreigner may be favorably considered as a candidate for the investment as entrepreneur visa. The actual potential contribution can be evaluated through a business plan and evidence of the business turnover, financial resources, investment sum, number of jobs created locally for Hong Kong residents, and the introduction of new technology, knowledge, or skills.
The Hong Kong Immigration Department may consider whether the applicant’s business belongs to or is able to complement existing industries that Hong Kong benefits from. These industries include the traditional pillar industries, i.e., trading and logistics, transportation, convention and exhibition industries, tourism, cultural and creative industries, manufacturing, innovative technologies, financial services, and professional services.
For applicants who wish to “join in business” or establish a new business in Hong Kong, they must submit a 2-year business plan. It should include but not limiting to the nature of the business, business direction, marketing strategy, SWOT analysis, positioning, and sales targets. The business plan must also include a 2-year forecast of the profit-and-loss account statement, cash flow statement and balance sheet. An audit report of the existing foreign business, if any, should also be submitted. In a nutshell, the document checklist is designed geared toward a demonstration that the intended business is suitable for and capable of developing in Hong Kong.
At the time of processing your application, the authorities will closely examine your proposed business plan to assess whether your proposed investment is sufficient for the business you plan to set up. In this regard, you must ensure that your proposed investment covers the startup and operational expenses of your business for at least the initial 12 to 18-month period.

So what is the different for the visa?

Head-to-head Comparison

Although the Investment as Entrepreneur visa is a subcategory of employment visa, both programs aim at attracting working persons who can bring “value” to Hong Kong. The consideration by the Immigration Department on these two programs are based upon different criteria.
As a general rule, for a successful Investment as Entrepreneur application, the applicant must be able to show his ability to make a considerable and tangible monetary contribution to Hong Kong and operate a sustainable business, while the applicant of an Employment Visa must contribute his abilities to benefit the sponsoring company.

1) Documents for submission

  • The documents checklists of both programs are rather similar. One key difference lies in the fact that, for the Investment as Entrepreneur visa — as its name suggests –, the applicant must provide proof of a capital injection (and of company share acquisition if any) to the Immigration Department to demonstrate the involvement of a personal investment.

2) Processing time

  • The Immigration Department takes 4–8 weeks to process the Employment Visa application, upon submission of a complete application file.
  • As for the Investment as Entrepreneur Visa, if the officer finds that the applicant’s commitment to his/her business and the economy of Hong Kong is genuine and strong, that he/she has the adequate capital to support the business plans and that the applicant satisfies all the eligibility criteria, the application processing time can take up to 8–12 weeks.

3) Factors of Consideration

  • An Entrepreneur Visa application must be sponsored by a local sponsor — either a company or an individual. The sponsor takes the onus of assuming the responsibility of your repatriation should the circumstances so require. While the Employment Visa applicant must be sponsored by the employing company.
Suitable business premises:
  • The authorities will consider if the company has chosen business premises that are suitable for the nature of business activity you will be engaging in. For instance, an import/export company will require business space that offers storage facilities. It is advisable to enclose a copy of the existing or proposed tenancy agreement (or property ownership documents, i.e., land search documents from land registry) along with photographs of the business premises. Serviced office with limited workspace is usually not recommended for the purpose of an Investment as Entrepreneur visa application.

4) Financial Status

  • An applicant for Investment as Entrepreneur visa has to provide his/her personal bank statements to the Immigration Department to show that the applicant is financially stable and has sufficient capital for the operation of the company. Clear documentary evidence of the capital injection — from his/her personal bank account to the company bank account — is mandatory. This is not necessary for the applicant of an Employment Visa.
  • Moreover, the company might have to provide the details of other shareholder(s) (copy of travel documents, HKID, etc.) if any.

5) Visa Renewal

  • The extension of stay for the Employment visa is straight forward; an extension letter issued by the sponsoring company with a filled application form will do.
  • The Investment as Entrepreneur visa extension, on the other hand, will be scrutinized by Immigration Department, which will evaluate the company’s eligibility through the business plan initially submitted with the original visa application and verify whether the applicant has adhered to the planned agenda for his/her company in terms of number of employees, office size, etc. Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) statements and bank statements will therefore be required to corroborate these figures with respect to human resource details and company capital flow.
  • The renewal process for investment as entrepreneur visa is thus far more complicated than that of the employment visa.

If you wish to obtain more information or assistance, please visit our official website at or contact us through the following means:
T: +852 2341 1444
M: +852 5616 4140, +86 152 1943 4614
WhatsApp/Line/WeChat: +852 5616 4140
啓源集團總部設於香港,自成立至今近20年,已於北京、上海、深圳、臺灣、新加坡、紐約和倫敦設立辦事處。集團成員包括會計師事務所、知識産權代理及移民顧問公司等。 會計事務官網︰ 簽證事務官網︰

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香港是全球最具吸引力的商業中心之一,吸引了無數企業家在此開展業務。然而,註冊公司並非一件簡單的事情,需要了解多個步驟和注意事項。根據 香港公司註冊處 及 信託或公司服務提供者註冊辦事處 的資料,本文將介紹在香港註冊公司的關鍵步驟,幫助你順利開展業務。 目錄 開公司前期準備 註冊有限公司的申
對於許多台灣專業人士來說,大陸的就業市場是一個充滿吸引力和機遇的地方。然而,要想進入大陸就業,必須面對各種審核程序和法律限制。在這方面,擁有台胞證成為了關鍵性的因素之一。本文將深入探討台胞證對台灣專業人士在大陸就業的專業發展機會,以及辦理台胞證的相關流程。 1. 台胞證的重要性 台胞證,是指
對於持有台胞證的人來說,在大陸就業是一個極具吸引力的選擇。大陸的經濟發展迅速,提供了許多就業機會,而持有台胞證的人也能享受到許多便利。在這篇文章中,我們將討論台胞證持有者在大陸就業的機會,以及一些建議關於行業選擇。 1. 就業機會 在大陸,持有台胞證的人可以選擇的行業非常廣泛。其中一個最受歡
近年來,大陸餐飲業的蓬勃發展吸引了越來越多台灣人前往尋找就業機會,而台胞證作為合法就業的通行證,其辦理流程成為重要關鍵。 台胞證的重要性: 合法就業: 持有台胞證的台灣人可以在大陸合法就業,特別是在餐飲業中,有更多的機會參與和受益於當地經濟的發展。 長期居住權: 台胞證有效期較長,有助於台灣人
隨著新能源產業的蓬勃發展,大陸成為眾多台灣專業人才的職業選擇。而要踏入這片充滿機會的領域,台胞證的申請與合法工作身份的確立至關重要。本文將深入探討在大陸新能源產業中的台胞證申請要點、對台灣人才的需求,以及台胞證在其中的重要性。 1. 台胞證的基本資訊: 台胞證,又稱卡式台胞證,是台灣同胞在大陸地區
隨著兩岸交流的深入,越來越多的台灣人在大陸尋找航空業的就業機會。本文將聚焦於這個領域,並探討台灣人在大陸就業所需的台胞證辦理程序。 1. 台胞證在大陸航空業就業的必備文件 台胞證: 是台灣同胞在大陸的身份證明文件,也是在大陸就業的基本必備。 2. 台胞證的種類 卡式台胞證: 方便攜帶,適合需
大陸的互聯網產業蓬勃發展,吸引了越來越多台灣人才投身其中。對於有意前往發展的台灣人,申請有效的台胞證是這段跨境職場之旅的首要步驟。 在台胞證的辦理中,台北是最為常見的辦理地點。不同於一般的台胞證,卡式台胞證更適合那些經常往返的人士,辦理方便快捷。 辦理台胞證的程序相對簡單,需要填寫相應的申請表並
香港是全球最具吸引力的商業中心之一,吸引了無數企業家在此開展業務。然而,註冊公司並非一件簡單的事情,需要了解多個步驟和注意事項。根據 香港公司註冊處 及 信託或公司服務提供者註冊辦事處 的資料,本文將介紹在香港註冊公司的關鍵步驟,幫助你順利開展業務。 目錄 開公司前期準備 註冊有限公司的申
對於許多台灣專業人士來說,大陸的就業市場是一個充滿吸引力和機遇的地方。然而,要想進入大陸就業,必須面對各種審核程序和法律限制。在這方面,擁有台胞證成為了關鍵性的因素之一。本文將深入探討台胞證對台灣專業人士在大陸就業的專業發展機會,以及辦理台胞證的相關流程。 1. 台胞證的重要性 台胞證,是指
對於持有台胞證的人來說,在大陸就業是一個極具吸引力的選擇。大陸的經濟發展迅速,提供了許多就業機會,而持有台胞證的人也能享受到許多便利。在這篇文章中,我們將討論台胞證持有者在大陸就業的機會,以及一些建議關於行業選擇。 1. 就業機會 在大陸,持有台胞證的人可以選擇的行業非常廣泛。其中一個最受歡
近年來,大陸餐飲業的蓬勃發展吸引了越來越多台灣人前往尋找就業機會,而台胞證作為合法就業的通行證,其辦理流程成為重要關鍵。 台胞證的重要性: 合法就業: 持有台胞證的台灣人可以在大陸合法就業,特別是在餐飲業中,有更多的機會參與和受益於當地經濟的發展。 長期居住權: 台胞證有效期較長,有助於台灣人
隨著新能源產業的蓬勃發展,大陸成為眾多台灣專業人才的職業選擇。而要踏入這片充滿機會的領域,台胞證的申請與合法工作身份的確立至關重要。本文將深入探討在大陸新能源產業中的台胞證申請要點、對台灣人才的需求,以及台胞證在其中的重要性。 1. 台胞證的基本資訊: 台胞證,又稱卡式台胞證,是台灣同胞在大陸地區
隨著兩岸交流的深入,越來越多的台灣人在大陸尋找航空業的就業機會。本文將聚焦於這個領域,並探討台灣人在大陸就業所需的台胞證辦理程序。 1. 台胞證在大陸航空業就業的必備文件 台胞證: 是台灣同胞在大陸的身份證明文件,也是在大陸就業的基本必備。 2. 台胞證的種類 卡式台胞證: 方便攜帶,適合需
大陸的互聯網產業蓬勃發展,吸引了越來越多台灣人才投身其中。對於有意前往發展的台灣人,申請有效的台胞證是這段跨境職場之旅的首要步驟。 在台胞證的辦理中,台北是最為常見的辦理地點。不同於一般的台胞證,卡式台胞證更適合那些經常往返的人士,辦理方便快捷。 辦理台胞證的程序相對簡單,需要填寫相應的申請表並