佛光山春節平安燈法會是佛陀紀念館年度指標活動之一。 佛陀紀念館邀請您在迎接農曆年時,攜家帶眷,歡歡喜喜前來佛光山禮佛點燈祈福、消災許願,祈求新的一年能好運到來、闔家吉祥平安。
New Year Festival of Light and Peace
The New Year Festival of light and peace is one of the annual events at the Buddha Museum. To herald the Chinese New Year, we invite you and your family to visit Fo Guang Shan Monastery and Buddha Museum during the festive season, with the hopes that you may bring home with you peace and fulfillment! Listen to us to see what we have prepared for you!