Theta Video API Announces Decentralized Streaming Feature Theta Video API is a one-of-a-kind web3 initiative that brings the necessary tools for making video building easier on any application. The video uploaded on this API can be received anywhere with a few lines of code and p2p optimization.
API还提供了JavaScript以及可播放的视频,以访问Theta分散式流交付库。由于这些功能,包括许多平台和项目都采用了Theta Video API和NFT DRM技术。 Theta Video API在仪表板上添加了一个新的“实时流”,流密钥”和“流服务器”可以复制并粘贴到Open Broadcaster上,以便在任何网站上开始直播。 使用NFT DRM,有门票的直播、按次付费活动或会议可以铸造Theta NFT作为门票出售並通过其带有NFT通行证的分散式交付服务器托管事件。 #blockchain #區塊鏈 #metaverse