Basic settings of Nginx

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Recently, I add some useful settings for my nginx web server. I would like to take a note of some basic and useful settings of nginx.

http server

First of all, let’s set up the most basic set. Please open your nginx.conf , the basic settings of http server part would be as follows.
Set the port number you want to deploy your web server at listen . Set the domain name you bought from Google Domains, GoDaddy, or just localhost at server_name.
The location / in the server block is to set where the root URL would go. The root is the path where you put your web bundle on your server.

https server

Let’s set up another basic setting. I think the most common and easiest way to get the ssl certificate is using Let’s Encript. Please see the details at
The basic config of https should be as follows. Set the port number 443 and ssl at listen . Normally, the certificates would be located at some path like /etc/letsencrypt/live/your_domain_name. There are two .pem files here. Just set them as follows.

http redirect to https

To prevent user access by http, we need to modify the http server config a little bit. Remove the location setting we mention before, and set return 301 to your https server. Even user access your web by http, it would be redirected to https right now.

virtual host

In reality, it’s not quite possible only to deploy one web service on a server. Let’s talk about how to deploy multi web services on the same server.
Let’s make a directory called sites-available and another call sites-enabled under the path of nginx.
In sites-available , make a file just call your_domain_name . Then set the http and the https config as we mentioned before in this file.
If you want to put this web server online, make a link to nginx/sites-enabled .
In nginx.conf , set include sites-enabled/*; at the last of http block. Then nginx would apply all the settings from sites-enabled .

block direct access by ip

Once you put your website online, there would have many attacks every day. In my experience, most attacks are from bots. It just scans every IP and send the request. Even though most of them are harmless, they are still annoying.
We can block these requests by blocking direct access by IP. Users can only access your site by the domain name.
Just put the below settings to one of your web server config. Set default to listen to make this web server as your default server. Set server_name _; means direct access by IP. Finally, we return 403; . It would make the trick of blocking direct access by IP work.

solve refresh 404 issue

Another issue that should be solved is the refresh 404 problem. All the settings above are about the root URL. Therefore, once you refresh the non-root URL web page, nginx would return 404.
To solve this problem, just put try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html; at the last of location setting.
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在現代網站中,HTTPS(HTTP Secure)已成為保護用戶資料和確保網站安全的重要標準。使用 Let's Encrypt 免費的 SSL 憑證,結合 Nginx 網頁伺服器,我們可以快速將網站配置為 HTTPS,並自動將 HTTP 流量重定向到 HTTPS。本教程將介紹如何安裝 Nginx
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大家架站最在意什麼事情呢?最近深陷於建立自己的部落格的水深火熱當中。我想和大家分享一下我對於架站的一些雜談心得。 首先,讓我們來談談SSL。對於架站的初學者來說,SSL可能會聽起來有點高大上,但其實它是非常重要的一個東西。SSL(安全套接層)能夠保護你的網站和訪問者之間的數據傳輸安全,讓你的網
這篇文章將會提供在伺服器上安裝憑證的步驟,包括下載憑證,設定php.ini以及重新啟動Web Server等。
Networking 網路類 Get the IP address of all interfaces(顯示網路資訊): networkctl status Display all IP addresses of the host(顯示主機名稱相關): hostname -I Enable/d
本篇將分享關於nginx ingress controller的基本操作,包括預先準備、流程、實際操作、將domain name 映射到Ingress LB IP、部署Demo App 驗證以及結論。
在現代網站中,HTTPS(HTTP Secure)已成為保護用戶資料和確保網站安全的重要標準。使用 Let's Encrypt 免費的 SSL 憑證,結合 Nginx 網頁伺服器,我們可以快速將網站配置為 HTTPS,並自動將 HTTP 流量重定向到 HTTPS。本教程將介紹如何安裝 Nginx
安裝官方 nginx 先在/etc/yum.repos.d新增一個nginx.repo的檔案 並加入以下內容 [nginx] name=nginx repo baseurl=$releasever/$basearch/ gpgc
  在開始操作Web Service之前,要先做一些前置作業IIS的安裝,再開始建置Web Service相關內容,最後就是連線測試。   IIS(Internet Information Services)是網際網路資訊服務,可以讓網站使用HTTP/HTTPS、FTP/FTPS、SMTP 等等的
大家架站最在意什麼事情呢?最近深陷於建立自己的部落格的水深火熱當中。我想和大家分享一下我對於架站的一些雜談心得。 首先,讓我們來談談SSL。對於架站的初學者來說,SSL可能會聽起來有點高大上,但其實它是非常重要的一個東西。SSL(安全套接層)能夠保護你的網站和訪問者之間的數據傳輸安全,讓你的網
這篇文章將會提供在伺服器上安裝憑證的步驟,包括下載憑證,設定php.ini以及重新啟動Web Server等。
Networking 網路類 Get the IP address of all interfaces(顯示網路資訊): networkctl status Display all IP addresses of the host(顯示主機名稱相關): hostname -I Enable/d
本篇將分享關於nginx ingress controller的基本操作,包括預先準備、流程、實際操作、將domain name 映射到Ingress LB IP、部署Demo App 驗證以及結論。