後美國時代的世界——為何2011年與以後,新興國家都無法領導 By Fareed Zakaria

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後美國時代的世界——為何2011年與以後,新興國家都無法領導 By Fareed Zakaria

A Post-American World in Progress ◎TIME By Fareed Zakaria(2011.12.29)/ SW譯

Why emerging powers didn't lead in 2011 and won't in the coming year

The past year has been filled with tumultuous events—the Arab Spring, the euro-zone crisis.  But the most striking trend of 2011, one that will persist in 2012, was one that got little notice: the emerging powers that weren't.

By now everyone knows that a new and rising group of nations, including China, India, Brazil and Russia, are reshaping the globe.  Yet if 2011 demonstrated anything, it was the inability of these countries to have much influence beyond their borders.  They continue to grow their economies, but they all face internal and external challenges that make them less interested and less capable of exercising power on an international or even regional scale.

Let's start with China.  Chinese growth continues to be robust, though clearly the government is worried about the inflationary effects of the massive stimulus program it implemented after the financial crisis, which has created a boom-bust cycle and inflationary pressures across the country.  The regime, however, is expert at dealing with economic challenges; political ones are harder.  China faces a transfer of power in 2012 that is unprecedented.  About 70% of the country's senior leadership— the top 200 or so members of the Central Committee—will be replaced by autumn.  The new leaders—Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang—are the first generation that was not personally blessed and selected by Deng Xiaoping, the architect of modern China.  Perhaps as a result, we are beginning to see factions develop within the Chinese Communist Party along regional, functional and ideological lines.  The change comes at a delicate moment.  Beijing's foreign policy assertiveness over the past two years on the South China Sea and related territorial issues has provoked other Asian powers to stand up to China, band together more closely and ask openly for American involvement in the Pacific.  The result is that Beijing is now quieter on the regional stage.  Global leadership is unthinkable.  No Chinese leader today has the authority or the inclination to make big, bold decisions that would involve, say, shoring up the euro or initiating a new East-West climate compact.

India is even more obsessed with domestic affairs than China is.  With a bewildering array of local and regional pulls on it, the central government has had little scope for foreign policy—or indeed any policy.  Facing opposition on every front, with state and national elections looming, the coalition government of Manmohan Singh is like a patient on life support grabbing for the oxygen mask, simply trying to survive.
印度的內政比中國還要棘手。地方上有一堆的問題有待處理,中央政府無暇兼顧外交政策——或者毫無政策可言。面對各方面的反對勢力,以及各州與全國即將舉行的選舉,印度總理曼莫漢‧辛格(Manmohan Singh)的政府就像仰賴維生器的病人,緊抓著氧氣罩,苟延殘喘。

Goldman Sachs' Jim O'Neill noted in late December, on the 10th anniversary of his coining the term BRIC, that the greatest disappointment among those emerging stars has been India.  Indian growth rates are declining, its currency is the worst performer in all of Asia, foreign investment is slowing, and government policy has alternated between populism and paralysis. In this context, foreign policy has been almost entirely secondary, confined to regional issues like Pakistan and Afghanistan, and even in those showing little in the way of leadership.
高盛銀行的首席經濟學家Jim O'Neill在十二月下旬,也就是創造「金磚四國」這個名詞的十週年時,認為印度是這些新崛起的國家中最令人失望的。印度的成長率在下降,貨幣是亞洲表現最差的,國外投資趨緩,政府政策則在民粹主義與癱瘓麻痺之間擺盪。這種狀況下,外交政策幾乎是完全不重要,只剩巴基斯坦與阿富汗等區域性議題,而在這些議題上也根本談不上領導者地位。

The other emerging powers face their own challenges.  Russia has presidential elections in 2012, though the outcome is predetermined.  Still, it faces new political dissent on a scale not seen since the rise of Vladimir Putin.  Abroad, it has a skeptical Europe on one border, an expansive China on another and a hostile and increasingly radical Muslim population on a third.  Brazil is in better shape, though its economy actually contracted in the third quarter of 2011. (If that happens in the fourth quarter, it will technically be entering a recession.) And its moves to become a regional leader have run up against a Mexico that is determined not to be forgotten or dominated.  Turkey has been the one emerging power that has successfully projected influence in its region, but there are natural limits to that influence.  The rise of the rest is real, but the emerging powers are not ready for prime time.
其他新崛起的國家也都面對自己的問題。俄羅斯2012選舉——雖然結果已定——面臨浦亭發跡以來最嚴重的新的反對聲浪。邊界上,有帶著懷疑眼光的歐洲,有意欲擴張版圖的中國,還有帶著敵意且愈來愈激進的回教人口。巴西狀況稍好,雖然2011第三季經濟萎縮。(如果第四季仍如此,技術上來說就是進入經濟衰退。) 巴西想領導該區域,得面對不甘屈居老二的墨西哥。土耳其在區域內也在發揮影響力,但受限於先天條件,不易擴展至外面。這些所謂的崛起的新興國家都是真的,只是時機尚未成熟。

The U.S. has been able to fill the leadership vacuum quite effectively in some places.  It has deftly expanded its role in Asia; continues to forge strong ties with India, Brazil, Indonesia and Turkey; and has maintained a good relationship with Russia on nuclear-weapons reduction.  But American influence is not what it used to be.  During the Mexican and Asian crises of the mid-1990s, the U.S. managed global economic problems almost unilaterally.  Today no one expects or believes that Washington could solve the euro-zone crisis or direct the outcome of the Arab Spring.  It is a post-American world out there, one characterized more by the absence of great powers than by their presence.

(The End)


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一萬台幣的作家全集 法國文壇至高榮譽的【七星】,五月十六日重新出版了兩大冊的【波特萊爾作品全集】,有幸躬逢其盛,於第一時間於書店景仰觀望。
台積電海外設廠進度分析 大家好,我是一位關注半導體產業的部落客。今天我想和大家分享一下台積電海外設廠的最新進度,以及對台積電未來發展的一些看法。 台積電是全球最大的專業積體電路製造服務商,也是全球最先進的半導體製程技術的領導者。台積電不僅在台灣有多個晶圓廠,也在中國、美國、日本等地設有分廠或合作
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