The number of export goods entering the warehouse is short!

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In Taiwan, if an export cargo driver finds that a piece of cargo is missing after entering the warehouse, he should immediately notify the cargo owner or forwarder and ask him to take appropriate action to solve the problem. The following are possible solutions:
Contact the owner or forwarder: Inform the owner or forwarder and ask if the missing item is already in the system. If the article has not yet appeared in the design, it may be that the owner or forwarder did not process the order correctly, resulting in a missing item. If the goods have already appeared in the system, please ask the owner or forwarder if they can provide detailed information about the lost goods, such as the barcode number of the carton.
Check the goods: The goods should be inspected before notifying the owner or forwarder. When examining the goods, each piece should be checked individually for abnormalities. If you find one item missing, you should carefully review the surrounding area for signs of missing items, such as damaged cartons or bags.
Fill out a report: If it is determined that a shipment has been lost, the driver should fill out a notification immediately. The report should include detailed information such as the missing goods' quantity, product name, and packing method. The report should also provide relevant information such as the time and place of entering the warehouse at that time.
Assist in the investigation: Drivers should assist the owner or forwarder in investigating why the shipment is missing. During the study, the driver should stay in touch and provide timely assistance. When entering the warehouse, drivers can give surveillance images or other relevant information to help cargo owners or freight forwarders conduct investigations.
In short, the driver should immediately notify the owner or forwarder when he finds the goods missing and assists in solving the problem. Drivers should also fill out a report, providing details to help investigators determine why the shipment is missing.
When the export goods enter the warehouse, it is found that the number of pieces is short!
After the goods exported from mainland China enter the supervision warehouse, if the driver finds that one piece of goods is missing, the following measures should be taken immediately:
Contact the owner or forwarder: Inform the owner or forwarder that an item is missing and ask about the item's condition. If the goods have entered the supervision warehouse, you may need to contact the staff of the supervision warehouse to assist in finding the missing goods.
Check the cargo: The driver should check the cargo before notifying the owner or forwarder. When inspecting the goods, each piece should be checked individually for any abnormality, including missing, damaged, disordered, etc. If you find an item missing, you should carefully review the surrounding area for signs of lost items.
Fill out a report: If it is determined that a shipment has been lost, the driver should fill out a notification immediately. The report should include detailed information such as the missing goods' quantity, product name, and packing method. The report should also provide relevant information such as the time and place of entering the warehouse at that time.
Sold goods. It should be noted that there is a distinction between commodity inspection and non-commodity inspection goods exported from mainland China. Commodity inspection goods usually refer to some dangerous, healthy food, animal, and plant products, cosmetics, and other commodities, which need to pass the commodity inspection before they can be exported; In contrast, the sealed goods that need to be written off refer to the export goods that need to be verified through customs declaration forms and other procedures. There is no need to distinguish whether commodity inspection is required. Whether it is a commodity or non-commodity inspection goods, relevant personnel should be contacted in time to help solve the problem when missing goods are found. Suppose the missing goods are customs-sealed goods that need to be written off. In that case, it is necessary to contact the customs declaration form write-off agency in time to complete procedures such as supplementary documents.
In short, when the driver finds missing goods, he should immediately take measures and notify the relevant personnel to ensure the problem is resolved correctly and avoid unnecessary losses and risks. In addition, in daily work, the driver should pay attention to the safety and integrity of the cargo and try to prevent loss or damage as much as possible. If the goods are lost or damaged, they should be reported and dealt with in time to ensure the safety and quality of the goods and the regular operation of the export trade.

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【記者曾金萬/基隆報導】關務署基隆關17日表示,為加強查緝走私,進出口之運輸業者均應依照規定載明艙單內容,如填載不實遭查獲者,將依緝私規定辦理。 基隆關副關務長吳慧燕(圖中)指出,為防堵私運貨物,運輸業者依法應就所載貨物列入艙口單、載貨清單或運送契約文件均應確實申報,以證明所載貨物係合法託運貨物,
這個你要怎麼包裝出貨? by 我家倉庫 因爲我們家的產品大小、材質、內容常常有很大差異,我常常會被倉庫問「你要怎麼包裝出貨」?當然最方便首選是空運,但是有時候要考量成本,就會選擇海運。以下是我常會遇到的包裝方式,供大家參考! ★ 在全球貿易中,如果物品量比較大或者是體積超過空運就不會收!
當客戶對貨物有急需時,因海運的運送天數較長,無法滿足客戶時效性,此時客戶通常會選擇空運。 空運安排看似簡單,實際上有許多細節需要注意。以下整理出收到客戶空運要求時須注意的事項。 ▌ 確認空運形式 空運分為兩種形式: A. Door to Door:快遞服務(如DHL、Fedex、UPS)將貨
【記者曾金萬/基隆報導】基隆關6日表示,依關稅法第37條規定,凡運往國外修理的貨物,應於出口放行翌日起1年內復運進口,如因事實需要,於期限屆滿前,得以書面敘明理由,向海關申請延長6個月,其進口稅款方得依修理所需費用核估完稅價格計徵關稅,如逾期復運進口,則按一般進口貨物價值核估完稅價格課稅。 基
【記者曾金萬/基隆報導】基隆關21日表示,應施儀器查驗之(C3X)貨物均應依規辦理,業者如需展延,需主動提出去申請,避免海關通知貨櫃集散站拖吊,增加作業成本。 八里分關主任柯志鴻指出,(CX3)進口業者常有以商銷活動未開始、倉庫滿倉或貨主尚未安排等為由,致逾期未辦理儀檢,以該關所轄臺北港為例,經統
【記者曾金萬/基隆報導】基隆關7日表示,近來查獲商民因出口屬無交易事實的樣品、外貨退回或賠償品等貨物,出口人認為未向國外買方收取價款,而隨意申報貨價,因涉低報貨物價值,致遭裁罰。提醒商民報運出口、進口貨物,應誠實申報貨物價格,以免觸法或延宕通關,影響自身權益。 基隆關指出,依出口貨物報關驗放辦法第
【記者曾金萬/基隆報導】關務署基隆關17日表示,為加強查緝走私,進出口之運輸業者均應依照規定載明艙單內容,如填載不實遭查獲者,將依緝私規定辦理。 基隆關副關務長吳慧燕(圖中)指出,為防堵私運貨物,運輸業者依法應就所載貨物列入艙口單、載貨清單或運送契約文件均應確實申報,以證明所載貨物係合法託運貨物,
這個你要怎麼包裝出貨? by 我家倉庫 因爲我們家的產品大小、材質、內容常常有很大差異,我常常會被倉庫問「你要怎麼包裝出貨」?當然最方便首選是空運,但是有時候要考量成本,就會選擇海運。以下是我常會遇到的包裝方式,供大家參考! ★ 在全球貿易中,如果物品量比較大或者是體積超過空運就不會收!
當客戶對貨物有急需時,因海運的運送天數較長,無法滿足客戶時效性,此時客戶通常會選擇空運。 空運安排看似簡單,實際上有許多細節需要注意。以下整理出收到客戶空運要求時須注意的事項。 ▌ 確認空運形式 空運分為兩種形式: A. Door to Door:快遞服務(如DHL、Fedex、UPS)將貨
【記者曾金萬/基隆報導】基隆關6日表示,依關稅法第37條規定,凡運往國外修理的貨物,應於出口放行翌日起1年內復運進口,如因事實需要,於期限屆滿前,得以書面敘明理由,向海關申請延長6個月,其進口稅款方得依修理所需費用核估完稅價格計徵關稅,如逾期復運進口,則按一般進口貨物價值核估完稅價格課稅。 基
【記者曾金萬/基隆報導】基隆關21日表示,應施儀器查驗之(C3X)貨物均應依規辦理,業者如需展延,需主動提出去申請,避免海關通知貨櫃集散站拖吊,增加作業成本。 八里分關主任柯志鴻指出,(CX3)進口業者常有以商銷活動未開始、倉庫滿倉或貨主尚未安排等為由,致逾期未辦理儀檢,以該關所轄臺北港為例,經統
【記者曾金萬/基隆報導】基隆關7日表示,近來查獲商民因出口屬無交易事實的樣品、外貨退回或賠償品等貨物,出口人認為未向國外買方收取價款,而隨意申報貨價,因涉低報貨物價值,致遭裁罰。提醒商民報運出口、進口貨物,應誠實申報貨物價格,以免觸法或延宕通關,影響自身權益。 基隆關指出,依出口貨物報關驗放辦法第