The marine voyage was connecting the globe from Taiwan.

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Located in the East Asian region, Taiwan has an important geographical location and is vital to the global maritime industry. The following are several essential aspects of Taiwan in international shipping:
  • Key route meeting point: Taiwan is between East and Southeast Asia and has become a vital route meeting point. Many routes from East Asia to Southeast Asia, South Asia, Europe, and the Americas, or from these regions to East Asia, need to pass through the waters near Taiwan. This makes Taiwan's ports a vital transit point for incoming and outgoing goods, facilitating international trade and logistics activities.
  • Asian Shipping Center: Taiwan has many internationally renowned ports, including Keelung Port, Kaohsiung Port, and Taichung Port. These ports are well-equipped to accommodate large and container cargo ships and provide comprehensive cargo handling and logistics services. Taiwan's port operators have rich experience and professional knowledge, which has attracted many international shipping companies to set up business here, making Taiwan one of the shipping centers in Asia.
  • A critical channel in the Taiwan Strait: The Taiwan Strait is one of the virtual channels connecting the East China Sea and the South China Sea. Many ships conduct international trade and shipping activities through the Taiwan Strait, especially cargo between mainland China and Southeast Asia. Taiwan's geographical location makes the Taiwan Strait a vital shipping channel and provides abundant business opportunities and cooperation potential.
  • The critical point of the trans-Pacific route: Taiwan is located on the east coast of the Pacific Ocean and is one of the essential points of the trans-Pacific course. From Taiwan's ports, you can directly reach the ports on the east coast and west coast of the United States, strengthening Taiwan's connection between East Asia and the Americas. This is significant for trade in goods and personnel exchanges and promotes economic cooperation and exchanges between Taiwan and the rest of the world. The following is the information before the end of April 2023 and the approximate sailing time from important ports in Taiwan to ports of different destinations:
  • East Coast of the United States: It takes about 25 to 30 days to sail from important ports in Taiwan (such as Keelung and Kaohsiung) to New York Harbor, depending on factors such as the voyage and ship speed.
  1. West Coast of the United States: It takes about 15 to 20 days to sail from the main port of Taiwan to the port of Los Angeles or Long Beach.
  2. South America: The sailing time from the main port of Taiwan to the docks in South America (such as Buenos Aires and Santiago) is longer, usually taking 35 to 45 days.
  3. East Coast of Japan: It takes about 3 to 5 days to sail from important ports in Taiwan to ports on the east coast of Japan, such as Tokyo and Yokohama.
  4. West Coast of Japan: It takes about 6 to 8 days to sail from important ports in Taiwan to ports on Japan's west coast, such as Osaka and Kobe.
  5. Main ports in South Korea: It takes about 2 to 4 days to sail from the main ports in Taiwan to the main ports in South Korea, such as Incheon and Busan.
  6. Port of Mainland China: Qingdao, Tianjin, Shanghai, Ningbo, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Guangzhou ports: The sailing time from significant ports in Taiwan to these ports in mainland China depends on the voyage and usually takes 1 to 3 days.
  7. Main ports in Europe:
  • Rotterdam (Netherlands): sailing time: about 25 to 30 days
  • Hamburg (Germany): sailing time: about 30 to 35 days
  • Antwerp(Belgium): sailing time: about 25 to 30 days
  • Beirut (Lebanon): sailing time: about 25 to 30 days
8. Mediterranean ports:
  • Port of Pisa (Italy): sailing time: about 25 to 30 days
  • Barcelona (Spain): sailing time: about 30 to 35 days
  • Athens (Greece): sailing time: about 30 to 35 days
  • Istanbul (Türkiye): sailing time: about 30 to 35 days
Currently relying on the shipping companies between Taiwan's main ports and ports of different destinations and the weekly frequency:
9. US East Coast:
  • Port: New York
  Shipping Lines: Evergreen, Yang Ming, APL, CMA CGM, Maersk,    OOCL
  Shifts: 1 to 2 shifts per week
10. US West Coast:
  • Port: Los Angeles
  Shipping Lines: Evergreen, Yang Ming, APL, CMA CGM, Maersk, OOCL
  Shift: 2 shifts per week
11. South America:
  • Port: Buenos Aires (Argentina)
  Shipping Lines: Evergreen, MSC, Hapag-Lloyd, CMA CGM, Maersk, Cosco Shipping
  Shifts: 1 to 2 shifts per week
12. East Coast of Japan:
  • Port: Tokyo, Yokohama
  Shipping company: Evergreen, Yang Ming, APL, NYK Line, MOL, ONE
  Shifts: 1 to 2 shifts per week
13. West Coast of Japan:
  • Port: Osaka, Kobe
  Shipping company: Evergreen, Yang Ming, APL, NYK Line, MOL, ONE
  Shifts: 1 to 2 shifts per week
14. Main ports in South Korea:
  • Port: Incheon, Busan
  Shipping companies: Evergreen, Yang Ming, APL, HMM, Cosco
  Shift: 2 shifts per week
15. Ports in Mainland China:
  • Ports: Qingdao Port, Tianjin Port, Shanghai Port, Ningbo Port, Fuzhou Port, Xiamen Port, Guangzhou Ports.
  Shipping companies: Evergreen, Yang Ming, APL, COSCO Shipping, Maersk, OOCL, SITC
  Shifts: 2 to 4 shifts per week
16. Main ports in Europe:
  • Port: Rotterdam (Netherlands)
  Shipping company: Evergreen, MSC, Maersk, CMA CGM
  Shifts: 3 to 4 shifts per week
  • 17. Port: Hamburg (Germany)
  Shipping company: Evergreen, MSC, Maersk, CMA CGM
  Shifts: 3 to 4 shifts per week
  • Port: Antwerp (Belgium)
  Shipping Lines: Evergreen, MSC, Maersk, CMA CGM
  Shifts: 3 to 4 shifts per week
  • Port: Beirut (Lebanon)
  Shipping Lines: Evergreen, CMA CGM, Maersk, MSC
  Shifts: 1 to 2 shifts per week
18. Mediterranean ports:
  • Port: Port of Pisa (Italy)
  Shipping Lines: Evergreen, MSC, CMA CGM, Maersk
  Shifts: 2 to 3 shifts per week
  • Port: Barcelona (Spain)
  Shipping Lines: Evergreen, MSC, CMA CGM, Maersk
  Shifts: 2 to 3 shifts per week
  • Port: Athens (Greece)
  Shipping Lines: Evergreen, MSC, CMA CGM, Maersk
  Shifts: 2 to 3 shifts per week
  • Port: Istanbul (Türkiye)
  Shipping Lines: Evergreen, MSC, CMA CGM, Maersk
  Shifts: 2 to 3 shifts per week
Please note that the above information is for reference only, and the frequency and interval may be subject to change, which is affected by the operation of the shipping company and market demand. It is recommended to contact the relevant shipping company or line operator when arranging shipping.
It should be noted that these voyage times are for reference only, and the actual voyage may be affected by weather, sea conditions, and ship schedules, so there may be slight changes. Shipping company and route selection may also have an impact on sailing times. If you need the exact sailing time, it is recommended to check with the relevant shipping company or airline operator.
You can refer to the following ShipmentLink website for inquiries about the shipping schedules of major shipping companies:
All in all, the importance of Taiwan in global shipping cannot be ignored. Its geographical location makes it an intersection of shipping routes and an Asian shipping center. Taiwan's port facilities are complete, attracting many international shipping companies' investment and business establishment. As an important channel, the Taiwan Strait connects the East China Sea and the South China Sea and plays a vital role in the entry and exit of goods. In addition, Taiwan, as an essential point in the trans-Pacific route, has further increased Taiwan's status and influence in international trade. These factors allow Taiwan to play a vital role in global shipping, providing convenience and opportunities for international trade and logistics activities.

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荷西時期 臺灣的信史則大約從1624年荷蘭東印度公司展開統治開始。目前有明確文獻記載且能考證時間點者,最早可上溯至1582年7月兩位西班牙人神父與一位葡萄牙人耶穌會士因風擱淺臺灣75天時所寫的三篇文字記錄。 15、16世紀,歐洲國家對外擴張勢力,開闢往東亞的新航路,發現美洲新大陸,縮短了亞洲與歐
馬祖的旅遊區分佈,主要由南竿、北竿、東引、莒光4地組成。南竿-北竿為島際之間最繁忙路線,船班時間約每日07:00~17:00,航程時間約20分鐘。船班來往很方便。候船地點標示清楚,不需擔心迷路。旅程中船上設計舒適,但靠角落位子可能無聊。 前往北竿景點行程算好時間來搭船,享受南北竿之間便捷航程。
遊輪精選會以亞洲區為主,澳洲雪梨、日本東京、新加坡這三大城市,常常會有很划算的豪華遊輪航線。 以下會分為兩部分,挑選2024上半年很讚的遊輪航段: 亞洲區精選 全球精選 會愛上的遊輪之旅 #9天8夜4.5星級南太平洋遊輪 環遊世界進入尾聲,長途旅行上偶爾遇到一些鳥事,或為了預算
臺灣海峽是位於中國大陸和臺灣之間的海峽,兩邊最短的地方距離是131公里。而臺灣海峽中線是美國空軍將軍小班傑明·戴維斯將軍Benjamin Oliver Davis Jr,於1955年爲防止中國和臺灣發生軍事衝突,在臺灣海峽中間劃定的界線,此線被認爲是臺灣與中國雙方之間的實質性警戒線。
臺灣在地緣政治上始終是東亞亞太地區最不可忽視的重要角色。 有些臺灣人過了許久仍然喊出:「...........」等口號,令外媒不解。
荷西時期 臺灣的信史則大約從1624年荷蘭東印度公司展開統治開始。目前有明確文獻記載且能考證時間點者,最早可上溯至1582年7月兩位西班牙人神父與一位葡萄牙人耶穌會士因風擱淺臺灣75天時所寫的三篇文字記錄。 15、16世紀,歐洲國家對外擴張勢力,開闢往東亞的新航路,發現美洲新大陸,縮短了亞洲與歐
馬祖的旅遊區分佈,主要由南竿、北竿、東引、莒光4地組成。南竿-北竿為島際之間最繁忙路線,船班時間約每日07:00~17:00,航程時間約20分鐘。船班來往很方便。候船地點標示清楚,不需擔心迷路。旅程中船上設計舒適,但靠角落位子可能無聊。 前往北竿景點行程算好時間來搭船,享受南北竿之間便捷航程。
遊輪精選會以亞洲區為主,澳洲雪梨、日本東京、新加坡這三大城市,常常會有很划算的豪華遊輪航線。 以下會分為兩部分,挑選2024上半年很讚的遊輪航段: 亞洲區精選 全球精選 會愛上的遊輪之旅 #9天8夜4.5星級南太平洋遊輪 環遊世界進入尾聲,長途旅行上偶爾遇到一些鳥事,或為了預算
臺灣海峽是位於中國大陸和臺灣之間的海峽,兩邊最短的地方距離是131公里。而臺灣海峽中線是美國空軍將軍小班傑明·戴維斯將軍Benjamin Oliver Davis Jr,於1955年爲防止中國和臺灣發生軍事衝突,在臺灣海峽中間劃定的界線,此線被認爲是臺灣與中國雙方之間的實質性警戒線。
臺灣在地緣政治上始終是東亞亞太地區最不可忽視的重要角色。 有些臺灣人過了許久仍然喊出:「...........」等口號,令外媒不解。