U.S. Non-Paper on the Status of Taiwan 美國對台灣地位的備忘錄

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美國的「備忘錄」(Non-Paper),即九點聲明(nine-point demarche),原文如下:
U.S. Non-Paper on the Status of Taiwan  美國對台灣地位的備忘錄
  1. The United States reiterates its One China policy which is based on the three US–China Communiqués and the Taiwan Relations Act, to the effect that the United States acknowledges China's view that Taiwan is a part of China.  We take no position on the status of Taiwan.  We neither accept nor reject the claim that Taiwan is a part of China.    【雲程譯】美國重申其基於美中三公報及台灣關係法之「一個中國」政策,即美國知悉中國抱持著台灣係中國一部份之觀點。我方對台灣地位問題不採取立場。我方不接受亦不拒絕有關台灣係中國一部份之主張。
  2. The United States has long urged that Taiwan's status be resolved peacefully to the satisfaction of people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.  Beyond that, we do not define Taiwan in political terms.    【雲程譯】美國長期以來皆呼籲台灣地位應以台海兩岸人民均滿意之方式和平解決。除此之外,我方不對台灣作政治界定。
  3. The United States noted that the PRC has become more active in international organizations and has called on the UN Secretariat and member states to accept its claim of sovereignty over Taiwan.  In some cases, as a condition for the PRC's own participation in international organizations, Beijing has insisted the organization and its member states use nomenclature for Taiwan that suggests endorsement of China's sovereignty over the island.    【雲程譯】美國注意到中華人民共和國在國際組織日益活躍,並呼籲聯合國秘書處及會員國接受其擁有台灣主權之主張。在若干案例上,北京堅持國際組織及其會員國在稱呼台灣時,應使用意指中國對台灣擁有主權之稱謂,並將之作為中華人民共和國本身參與該等國際組織之條件。
  4. The United States is concerned that some UN organizations have recently asserted that UN precedent required that Taiwan be treated as a part of the PRC and be referred to by names in keeping with such status.    【雲程譯】美國關切近來若干聯合國相關組織主張聯合國先例有要求,台灣應被視為中華人民共和國之一部分並應賦予符合此等地位之名稱。
  5. The United States has become aware that the UN has promulgated documents asserting that the United Nations considers "Taiwan for all purposes to be an integral part of the PRC."  While this assertion is consistent with the Chinese position, it is not universally held by UN member states, including the United States.    美國知悉聯合國曾發佈文件主張「台灣確實係中華人民共和國不可分割之一部份。」雖然此項主張符合中國立場,但並非包括美國在內之聯合國會員國所普遍持有之主張。
  6. The United States noted that the UN General Assembly resolution 2758 adopted on 25 October 1971 does not in fact establish that Taiwan is a province of the PRC.  The resolution merely recognized the representation of the government of the PRC as the only lawful representation of China to the UN, and expelled the representative of Chiang Kai-shek from the seats they occupied at the UN and all related organizations.  There is no mention in Resolution 2758 of China's claim of sovereignty over Taiwan.    【雲程譯】美國注意到聯合國大會於1971年10月25日通過之第2758號決議,事實上並未確立台灣係中華人民共和國之一省。該決議僅承認中華人民共和國政府為在聯合國代表中國之唯一合法政府,並驅逐蔣介石之代表在聯合國及所有相關組織佔據之席次。2758號決議並未提及中國對台灣擁有主權之主張。
  7. While the United States does not support Taiwan's membership in organizations such as the UN, for which statehood is a prerequisite, we do support meaningful participation by Taiwan's experts as appropriate in such organizations.  We support membership as appropriate in organizations for which such statehood is not required.    【雲程譯】雖然美國並不支持台灣加入以國家資格為要件之聯合國等國際組織成為會員,但美國確實支持台灣之專家於適宜情況下有意義參與此等組織。美國支持台灣於適宜情況下加入不要求國家資格之組織成為會員。
  8. The United States urged the UN Secretariat to review its policy on the status of Taiwan and to avoid taking sides in a sensitive matter on which UN members have agreed to disagree for over 35 years.    【雲程譯】美國敦促聯合國秘書處檢討其對台灣地位之政策,並避免就過去35年來聯合國會員已同意對各持異議之敏感議題進行立場選擇。
  9. If the UN Secretariat insists on describing Taiwan as a part of the PRC, or on using nomenclature for Taiwan that implies such status, the United States will be obliged to disassociate itself on a national basis from such position.    【雲程譯】若聯合國秘書處堅持視台灣為中華人民共和國之一部分,或使用隱含台灣為此地位之用詞,美國將不得不以國家身分與此一立場劃清界線。
U.S. non-paper provided to the author by a confidential source.
During Jiang Zemin's rule, China had already signed a border demarcation treaties with Russia, and since 2004, there have been no territorial
【雙魚之論】 A book titled "People Will Never Forget: Democratic Movement Documentary of 1989," which provides a detailed chronological account of the move
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The machining center industry, among others, has reached a brand new level in its service after the advent of IoT. The manufac
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During Jiang Zemin's rule, China had already signed a border demarcation treaties with Russia, and since 2004, there have been no territorial
【雙魚之論】 A book titled "People Will Never Forget: Democratic Movement Documentary of 1989," which provides a detailed chronological account of the move
烏克蘭總統澤倫斯基周六(5月13日)訪問羅馬,基輔與梵蒂岡之間對俄烏戰爭如何實現和平,有著分歧。意見一致的方面僅在於人道主義努力,如交換戰俘,或者讓被擄烏克蘭兒童從俄羅斯返回。 澤倫斯基與教宗方濟各進行40分鐘會談
The machining center industry, among others, has reached a brand new level in its service after the advent of IoT. The manufac
法國學者:馬克宏有關台灣的講話與他推動的印太戰略不相符 法廣 20230424 法國總統馬克宏在訪華途中關於台灣的講話風波餘音繞梁,其影響力勢必還將持續一段時間。法國智庫法國國際關係研究所(IFRI)的亞洲政策研究員朱利安(Marc Julienne)對法廣表示,他認為總統的講話非常不合時宜,而且與
「設計不僅僅是外觀和感覺。設計是其運作的方式。」 — Steve Jobs 身為一個獨立文案,許多人會以為我們的生活只需要面對電腦,從無到有,用精巧的文字填滿空白的螢幕,呈現心目中獨具風格的作品。 ——有的時候可以如此,但其實這是我們夢寐以求的偶發日常。 更多的時候,白天的工作時間總被各種繁雜
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H.H. DORJE CHANG BUDDHA III, recognized by the World Peace Prize Awarding Council for his selfless devotion to an immensely wide scope of healing ...
A freight train carrying dangerous materials derailed again in the United States on November 23, 2023. Local media reports say that on the afternoon o
According to foreign media reports, the U.S. local time on the afternoon of the 22nd, the U.S. state of Kentucky, a freight train derailment, carrying
Unity (美股代號:U) 是全球最大的遊戲製作平台與龍頭引擎。不過股價自高點滑落並盤據20-30元已經有一段時間。此次財報非常樂觀,值得一看。
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來談一下最近我很感興趣的一個投標,遊戲開發平台 Unity。
別看它是英文歌名 其實它是香港歌手馮曦妤唱的 她的歌比較有名的是A Little Love 是在多年好友嫁到香港回台請客的婚宴上聽到的 介紹這首是因為有一段英文的部分是Feat. 男歌手陳柏宇詮釋 是我特別喜歡的聲音 
「設計不僅僅是外觀和感覺。設計是其運作的方式。」 — Steve Jobs 身為一個獨立文案,許多人會以為我們的生活只需要面對電腦,從無到有,用精巧的文字填滿空白的螢幕,呈現心目中獨具風格的作品。 ——有的時候可以如此,但其實這是我們夢寐以求的偶發日常。 更多的時候,白天的工作時間總被各種繁雜
在為期不到一個月的活動中串起許許多多溫馨的善舉,期間送出與售出的小象吊飾共有 2,009 隻,為世界和平會關懷貧困兒童的服務經費募集到 401,800 元的善款。
H.H. DORJE CHANG BUDDHA III, recognized by the World Peace Prize Awarding Council for his selfless devotion to an immensely wide scope of healing ...
A freight train carrying dangerous materials derailed again in the United States on November 23, 2023. Local media reports say that on the afternoon o
According to foreign media reports, the U.S. local time on the afternoon of the 22nd, the U.S. state of Kentucky, a freight train derailment, carrying
Unity (美股代號:U) 是全球最大的遊戲製作平台與龍頭引擎。不過股價自高點滑落並盤據20-30元已經有一段時間。此次財報非常樂觀,值得一看。
u-clean是新一代的環保洗劑;通過四項無毒性檢測(產品均未檢出磷化物、重金屬、壬基酚、螢光劑)、經濟部標檢局No.90308006270-273;特別針對油脂、油垢,效果很好!! u-clean是以超微粒子膠質浸透污垢內部,使污垢從物體表面剝離;全新配方、雙倍活氧!! 洗淨力up、up!! 特別
來談一下最近我很感興趣的一個投標,遊戲開發平台 Unity。
別看它是英文歌名 其實它是香港歌手馮曦妤唱的 她的歌比較有名的是A Little Love 是在多年好友嫁到香港回台請客的婚宴上聽到的 介紹這首是因為有一段英文的部分是Feat. 男歌手陳柏宇詮釋 是我特別喜歡的聲音