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"What are your true feelings?" In the real world, are we living authentically?
有塵嵌憶 的其他內容
2023 "What would you like to say to someone important?" I feel that they are important to me, but am I important to them? Therefore, are the words I w
2023 "How to truly understand oneself? The id, ego, and superego, who can truly have a thorough understanding of oneself?"
2023 "How to maintain a genuine heart?" Don't speculate about what kind of person the other party might like; just be true to yourself.
2023 "How can we collaborate with everyone?" Sometimes, in order to achieve our goals, it's important to let go of certain details or personal prefere
2023 "How to treat others well without compromising oneself?" Writer Zhang Manjuan once said, "Those who love others are strong, but those who love th
2023 "How to respond to the expectations around you?" It has been almost 2 years since I returned to Taiwan, so I need to quickly pass the exam and fu
2023 "What would you like to say to someone important?" I feel that they are important to me, but am I important to them? Therefore, are the words I w
2023 "How to truly understand oneself? The id, ego, and superego, who can truly have a thorough understanding of oneself?"
2023 "How to maintain a genuine heart?" Don't speculate about what kind of person the other party might like; just be true to yourself.
2023 "How can we collaborate with everyone?" Sometimes, in order to achieve our goals, it's important to let go of certain details or personal prefere
2023 "How to treat others well without compromising oneself?" Writer Zhang Manjuan once said, "Those who love others are strong, but those who love th
2023 "How to respond to the expectations around you?" It has been almost 2 years since I returned to Taiwan, so I need to quickly pass the exam and fu
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【生活日誌記錄思考】 世事難料,變化莫測,一顆真誠的赤子之心,在茫茫人海中徬徨。緣起緣滅,轉瞬之間,一段美好的歡樂時光,在歲月長河中殆盡。眨眼過後,彷彿什麼都不存在,又覺得一切還是那麼真實,難以判斷是夢,還是幻想,是真還是虛假。所有種種都只剩印象,無從求證,亦不知如何追回。 2024年11月將要
#誠實書寫練習 #Day185 Q.寫下3-5句當天跟某個人的對話,不需要成篇: ✍️1.太好了,幫你集氣。 2.「人生如逆旅,你我皆行人。」 3.⬆️其實我不太喜歡這樣的緣分。 4.畢竟這就是真實的人生,我們只能被迫接受,讓自己好過。 5.這兩年教會我的就是「相信自己值得更好的。」 寫於20
#與自己交換日記 #Week13歸零 #Day6 Q.活在世上,你認為自己真正要負責的對象是? ✍️我認為自己要對自己的人生(生命)負責。 寫於20240330(週六)
【生活日誌記錄思考】 世事難料,變化莫測,一顆真誠的赤子之心,在茫茫人海中徬徨。緣起緣滅,轉瞬之間,一段美好的歡樂時光,在歲月長河中殆盡。眨眼過後,彷彿什麼都不存在,又覺得一切還是那麼真實,難以判斷是夢,還是幻想,是真還是虛假。所有種種都只剩印象,無從求證,亦不知如何追回。 2024年11月將要
#誠實書寫練習 #Day185 Q.寫下3-5句當天跟某個人的對話,不需要成篇: ✍️1.太好了,幫你集氣。 2.「人生如逆旅,你我皆行人。」 3.⬆️其實我不太喜歡這樣的緣分。 4.畢竟這就是真實的人生,我們只能被迫接受,讓自己好過。 5.這兩年教會我的就是「相信自己值得更好的。」 寫於20
#與自己交換日記 #Week13歸零 #Day6 Q.活在世上,你認為自己真正要負責的對象是? ✍️我認為自己要對自己的人生(生命)負責。 寫於20240330(週六)