Weekly Financial News
1) 🚫 對於從日本大都會進口水產品嘅限制措施,以及對從日本進口食品進行嘅安全檢查,有可能影響香港部分食品嘅供應和價格,進而影響本地經濟 💼。🔗 https://bit.ly/45jRcu9
2) 香港嘅酒店住宿價格以每晚1,928港幣排名亞洲第三貴,東京以每晚2,241港幣位列榜首 💰。北京嘅住宿價格上升了12%,達到每晚1,371港幣。全球酒店佔用率已恢復至2019年水平的96%,其中印度的孟買和新德里表現最佳 🏨。🔗 https://bit.ly/3KSAJoT
3) 根據普華永道嘅調查,只有39%嘅香港員工報告對工作感到滿意 😕,而30%則覺得工作充實 😊。35%嘅人對薪酬不滿意 😔,42%擔心自己所在公司嘅長遠可行性 😬。🔗 https://bit.ly/45lUUUk
How have you been this weekend? Summer is almost ending ☀️, I’m so tired of the heat outside. 😓 But at least we can stay inside, enjoy the air conditioner while reading this weekly digest:
1) 🚫 The restrictions on aquatic product imports from Japanese metropolises and the safety checks on food imported from Japan could potentially impact the availability and cost of certain food items in Hong Kong, affecting the local economy 💼. 🔗 https://bit.ly/45EfiQm
2) Hong Kong ranks third in Asia for expensive hotel stays at $1,928 per night, with Tokyo taking the top spot at $2,241 💰. Beijing saw a 12% rate increase to $1,371 per night. Global occupancy has recovered to 96% of 2019 levels, led by Mumbai and New Delhi in India🏨. 🔗 https://bit.ly/3P8VQFK
3)In Hong Kong, only 39% of employees reported job satisfaction 😕, while 30% found fulfillment in their jobs 😊, according to a PwC survey. Compensation dissatisfaction was notable at 35% 😔, and 42% expressed concerns about their company's long-term viability 😬. 🔗 https://bit.ly/3P9drxv
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