Direct Light vs. Indirect Light-Lighting Terms

更新於 2024/12/12閱讀時間約 16 分鐘

This article is provided by TJ2 Lighting, led lighting manufacturerlighting manufacturer in Taiwan | 東捷生活科技

Direct Light vs. Indirect Light-Lighting Terms-TJ2 Lighting

Direct Light vs. Indirect Light-Lighting Terms-TJ2 Lighting

What Is “Direct Light“?

Direct light is when the light from a fixture or lamp illuminates or shines on a specific area or an object.
Direct Light-TJ2 Lighting

Direct Light-TJ2 Lighting

Direct light is created from a light fixture that concentrates all light in a certain direction. This type of light is used to emphasize and highlight a certain area or object.

Please take a look at the picture above, the lights fall in a downward direction, forming a hotspot at the center. Here are some examples of direct lights, Downlight is a classic example of a direct light as they only illuminate downwards, and Ceiling light is another light fixture that makes the light to a particular object or area.

When is it best to use direct light?

Direct light is suitable for where we work or pay great attention, such as homes, offices, shops and other workplaces. Direct light falls on specific objects in a certain direction and we need it when working at home, conducting a meeting in the office and assembling a product in a factory, etc. A light fixture with directional light near the workplace is important since it improves visibility and concentrates the light to exactly where we need it.

Direct Light application-TJ2 Lighting

Direct Light application-TJ2 Lighting

Types Of Direct Lights

Types Of Direct Lights-TJ2 Lighting

Types Of Direct Lights-TJ2 Lighting

What is "Indirect Light"?

Indirect light, besides, is usually used to illuminate a wide space. According to such light, the light diffuses instead of concentrating on the specific area. Thus, the indirect light creates soft and smooth lighting to the entire space.
Indirect Light-TJ2 Lighting

Indirect Light-TJ2 Lighting

Another feature of such lighting is that the indirect light won't get into your eyes straightly, instead, it bounces off a surface and spreads throughout the space.

When is it best to use Indirect light?

Indirect lights diffuse to lighten a wide space. Most of the indirect light fixtures are hidden inside the interior decorations and are used to create ambiance. Besides using more direct light sources, indirect lighting is a smart way to create more light in a space without making the sharp contrasts of light and shadow. Such light illuminates the space with relatively smooth and soft light and will make the space feel bright and warm. In commercial applications such as offices, shops, hotels, or VIP rooms, indirect light is particularly important to illuminate the space and enhance more atmosphere throughout the day.

Indirect Light-TJ2 Lighting

Indirect Light-TJ2 Lighting

Types Of Indirect Lights

Types Of Indirect Lights-TJ2 Lighting

Types Of Indirect Lights-TJ2 Lighting

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TJ2 Lighting logo

View More Information: Direct Light Vs. Indirect Light-Lighting Terms

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Lighting Terms and Definitions

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This article is provided by TJ2 Lighting, led lighting manufacturer, lighting manufacturer in Taiwan.


TJ2 Lighting|LED Lighting Manufacturer, lighting manufacturer and led lighting supplier in Taiwan

Enjoy Lights!


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他的開場白是:Hello! Future ex-wife, how are you? 這個開場白我覺得有趣,看了他的profile,43歲,沒有寫工作,然後一個prompt寫: Have a strong shoulder can carry a lot of awkward first dates
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