How to Grow Alligator Aloe

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Discover the intriguing world of Alligator Aloe, a unique succulent that brings a touch of exotic flair to any garden. In this guide, we delve into the essentials of nurturing this eye-catching plant, ensuring it thrives and embellishes your space with its distinctive presence.


What is Alligator Aloe?

Alligator Aloe is a captivating succulent known for its thick, textured leaves that resemble an alligator's back. It is a moderate-sized plant originating from Madagascar, admired for its rapid growth and longevity. This resilient aloe variety boasts a compact structure, reaching an impressive width with time, while its leaves exhibit a range of colors from green to a bluish tint.

Where to buy Alligator Aloe?

SucculentStore is an online marketplace specializing in a wide variety of succulents and cacti. Succulents for sale have a user-friendly website interface with categories for different types of plants, including Agave, Aeonium for sale, and more, catering to both retail and wholesale succulents customers. The site also provides a succulent care guide, which can be very useful for beginners and enthusiasts alike.

Growing Conditions for Alligator Aloe

Light of Alligator Aloe

Alligator Aloe thrives in bright light and is a sun-loving plant. In its natural habitat, it enjoys the harsh rays of the Madagascan sun. When grown indoors, it should be placed in a location where it can receive at least 6 hours of sunlight daily. If you notice that the leaves are becoming pale or the plant is stretching toward the light, this is a sign that it may need more light. In such cases, a grow light can supplement the lack of sunlight. During extremely hot weather, however, it's important to provide some shade to prevent sunburn, as the leaves can be damaged by excessive direct sunlight.

Soil of Alligator Aloe

Alligator Aloe requires well-draining soil to prevent root rot, which is common in succulents when overwatered. A good soil mix for Alligator Aloe consists of:

  • 2 parts coarse sand or perlite
  • 1 part standard potting soil
  • 1 part peat or coir

This mix ensures proper drainage while retaining enough nutrients for the plant's growth. Adjustments can be made based on local humidity and water retention needs, with more sand or perlite added to increase drainage in wetter climates.

Temperature and Humidity of Alligator Aloe

Alligator Aloe prefers warm conditions and does well in typical household temperatures ranging from 60 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit (16 to 29 degrees Celsius). It can tolerate temperatures as low as 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius) but not for prolonged periods. During the winter, it is crucial to keep the plant indoors if the temperature drops below this range. High humidity is not necessary for this plant; it can do well in dry environments typical of homes and offices. If you live in a very humid area, make sure the soil dries out between waterings to prevent root rot.

How to care for Alligator Aloe?

Watering of Alligator Aloe

Watering the Alligator Aloe correctly is critical for its survival and growth. It should be watered thoroughly, allowing the water to run freely from the drainage holes of the pot. Then, allow the soil to completely dry out before watering again. Overwatering can lead to root rot, so it's crucial to ensure the plant is not left sitting in water. During the winter months or cooler weather, reduce the frequency of watering as the plant's water requirements decrease.

Fertilizing of Alligator Aloe

Alligator Aloe benefits from occasional fertilization. Feeding the plant with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer diluted to half the recommended strength once during the spring and once in the summer can be beneficial. A fertilizer with a higher phosphorus content can help in encouraging blooms during the flowering season. Avoid over-fertilizing as this can damage the plant. Organic options such as worm castings or fish emulsion can also be good choices and are less likely to burn the plant if over-applied.

Repotting of Alligator Aloe

Repotting should occur every two to three years or when the Alligator Aloe outgrows its current pot. Choose a pot that is slightly larger than the current one and has good drainage. When repotting, handle the plant gently to avoid damaging the roots. Refresh the soil with a well-draining mix to provide new nutrients and encourage continued growth. The best time to repot is in the spring or early summer when the plant is in its active growth phase.

Pruning of Alligator Aloe

Pruning of Alligator Aloe is not frequently required, but it can be beneficial for the plant's health and aesthetic. Remove any dead or dying leaves at the base of the plant to promote better airflow and prevent potential disease. If the plant becomes too large or the leaves are damaged, they can be trimmed to maintain a desired shape and size. Pruning can also stimulate new growth and help in propagating new plants from the cuttings if desired. Always use clean, sharp tools to make cuts to prevent infection and ensure a quick recovery for the plant.

How to propagate Alligator Aloe?

Propagating Alligator Aloe can be a rewarding experience and is generally straightforward. There are two main methods of propagation for this plant: through offsets and through leaf cuttings.

Propagation Through Offsets:

Alligator Aloe, like many other aloe species, produces offsets, which are also known as "pups." These are small clones of the parent plant that grow from the base and can be separated and planted on their own.

  1. Wait for the Offset to Mature: Allow the offset to grow to a decent size (at least a couple of inches wide) and develop its own roots before attempting to separate it from the parent plant.
  2. Separate the Offset: Carefully remove the soil around the base of the offset to expose the connection to the parent plant. With a clean, sharp knife, cut the offset away from the main plant, making sure to include some roots.
  3. Let the Offset Dry: Place the offset in a warm, dry place out of direct sunlight for a few days to allow the cut to callous over. This helps to prevent rotting when planted.
  4. Plant the Offset: Plant the calloused offset in a pot with well-draining soil, similar to the mix you would use for the mature Alligator Aloe.
  5. Water Sparingly: Water the newly planted offset lightly to encourage root growth. Wait until the soil has dried out completely before watering again.

Propagation Through Leaf Cuttings:

While propagating through leaf cuttings can be successful, it's not as reliable as propagation through offsets. If you choose to propagate from leaf cuttings, here’s how:

  1. Choose a Healthy Leaf: Select a healthy, full-grown leaf from the outside of the plant.
  2. Cut the Leaf: Using a clean, sharp knife or pair of scissors, cut the leaf from the plant at an angle close to the base.
  3. Let the Leaf Dry: Allow the leaf to dry for a few days until the cut end callouses over.
  4. Plant the Leaf: Insert the calloused end of the leaf into a pot filled with a well-draining soil mix.
  5. Water Sparingly: Mist the soil lightly to provide moisture without over-saturating. Do not water again until the soil is dry.
  6. Wait for Root Development: It may take several weeks or even months for new growth to appear. Be patient and keep the soil lightly moistened.

Propagation is best done during the warmer months when Alligator Aloe is in its active growing phase. Once the pups or new plants from leaf cuttings have established their own root systems, they can be treated as mature plants.

How to care for  Alligator Aloe in Winter?

During winter, care for your Alligator Aloe by providing it with ample light, reducing watering significantly to match its dormant state, ensuring the temperature stays above 50°F (10°C), and halting fertilization. Position it away from cold drafts and monitor for pests, adjusting your care to maintain a stable environment that supports its seasonal rest period until the warmer, active growth months return.


In conclusion, Alligator Aloe is a resilient and striking succulent that, with the right conditions, can be a hassle-free joy for both novice and experienced gardeners. For best results, planting or repotting in the spring gives it a full growing season to establish itself. This succulent pairs well with other drought-tolerant plants like Echeveria, Sedum, or even cacti, creating a diverse and texturally rich display. My unique recommendation would be to experiment with companion planting Alligator Aloe in a rock garden setting or alongside ornamental grasses, which can complement its spiky appearance and highlight its unique foliage, all while ensuring similar care needs. Remember, the key to a thriving Alligator Aloe lies in mimicking its natural environment—ample sunlight, well-draining soil, and minimal water. Embrace the simplicity of its care, and this robust plant will reward you with its unwavering beauty.


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