
2024/04/24閱讀時間約 12 分鐘

How many points

"How many points do I need to score, anyway?

Back then, he was in the eighth grade, and I was his English tutor.

One day, I stroll into the classroom and do my usual routine: 'How are you doing today?' I ask with a grin.

'Huh! Not good at all,' Student A huffs.

'What's up?' I inquire, a tad confused.

'How many points do I need to hit?' he grumbles, a bit louder this time.

'What's the deal?' I ask again.

'Usually, if you put in the effort, you can kinda guess how many points you'll get, right?' I'm not sure why he's throwing this question at me.

'Oh, it's just that the teachers at our school think I'm cheating,' he says, running his hand through his hair in frustration.

'Why's that?' I prod.

'Um...' he hesitates. 'Well, I usually bomb the quizzes, like 20 or 30 points, but then I ace the exams with, like, over 80, so the teachers think I'm pulling a fast one.'


'That English teacher at our school is so weird. If I score in the 20s, he chews me out; if I score in the 80s, he still gives me grief. What's the magic number to avoid getting chewed out?' Student A goes on.


'The point isn't about dodging criticism based on your score.'

'Are you missing the point here?' I respond, feeling a bit exasperated.

'Ah, why do you tank the quizzes?'

'Ah, I usually wake up around five in the morning to bike around, and I stay up late at night on my phone. I end up snoozing in class during the day, and during exams, I usually zonk out after a few questions. If I managed to stay awake, I'd probably nail an 80,' he admits.

'Also, have you been chatting or passing notes during exams?' I inquire.

'Um...' he hesitates. 'Yeah, how did you know?'

'Do you see now why your school teachers got the wrong idea?' I rub my temples, feeling a bit vexed.

'Why aren't you jumping to conclusions like them?' he asks, tilting his head.

I sigh and say, 'Look around. It's just you and me here. How old were you when you started showing up to class?'

'I started coming in fifth grade,' he replies.

'Think about where you went to elementary school.'


P.S. He went to a private bilingual elementary school.

'Want to take another crack at it? I've been getting you to write all sorts of English diaries since elementary school, doing book reports, honing your language skills, reading English stories together. For your communication skills, I've coached you through English speeches. Plus, you started debating in English back in fifth grade at your elementary school, remember?'

'I do. I remember,' he says.

'I started giving you high school-level textbooks in sixth grade. I know your capabilities better than anyone!' I say, with a hint of sarcasm.

'I wish you were my school's English teacher,' Student A says.

'I'll have another chat with your mom. You didn't cheat. You need to fix your sleep schedule, get enough rest to stay awake during classes and exams,' I sum up.

'Don't stay up too late on your phone. It's bad for you. Aim for a solid eight hours of sleep every night,' I say firmly.

'I'll try,' Student A says, sheepishly.

'The point isn't about the marks you get. It's about taking your studies seriously and showing respect. And cut out the foul language. Got it?' I give him a firm look.

'Okay, okay. I'll do it for you,' Student A says, rolling his eyes.

"It's not for my sake, it's for yours. We need to focus on our character and keep up with good study habits."

I rub my temples again. These young gents really need some guidance toward the right path. Oh, the struggles of being a teacher."



那年,他國二 (8年級),我是他的家教英文老師。














「就我平常小考 好幾次考的挺爛,才20, 30分;可是我段考 考八十幾,老師就懷疑我作弊。」


「學校的英文老師也太奇怪了吧,我考二十幾他罵我,我考八十幾也罵我。我到底是要考幾分才不會被罵啊!」學生A 巴拉巴拉說了一大段

















P.S. 他是念私立雙語國小

「你要不要再想想,我從國小就叫你寫各種英文日記、寫英文讀書心得,為了訓練你的語感,陪你看英文故事。為了你的表達能力,教你英文演講。而且你們國小 小學五年級就在英文辯論課,你還有印象嗎?」












