每日英語 #045: Closing Rest Areas

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Closing Rest Areas

A “rest area” (also called a rest stop or service area) is an area next to a freeway or highway that has, at the very least, restrooms and drinking fountains. Some rest areas are a little more “elaborate” (fancy; with more things), with such things as “grassy” (with grass) areas around the buildings where children can play, “picnic tables” (long tables with benches attached used for outdoor eating), and “vending machines” (machines you put money into to buy snack food or drinks).


These basic rest areas are a public service maintained by the government. During poor economic times, however, many states have in the past temporarily closing many of their rest areas to save money.


That’s not to say that there is no place to stop on a long drive to use the restroom. While many rest areas are maintained by the government, many other service areas are formed by a collection of privately owned businesses “catering to” (designed for) travelers. These service areas include restaurants, gas stations, and even hotels or motels.


Rest areas should not be confused with “truck stops,” which are areas near freeways designed specifically for “truckers,” men and women who drive large trucks to transport goods from one place to another. These truck stops have restaurants and restrooms, but they also have gas stations with “diesel fuel,” the type of gasoline that most large trucks use, and specially designed fueling “bays” (areas) for large trucks.


In many movies, the truck stop is “depicted” (shown) as a “seedy” (not very nice; shabby) place where “small-time” (minor) criminals and “prostitutes” (men or women who sell sex for money) gather. While no doubt some truck stops are better than others, this is not an “accurate” (correct) picture of current truck stops, which are “for the most part” (generally) relatively modern, clean, and safe areas.



  • Rest area /rɛst ˈɛriə/ 休息區
  • Elaborate /ɪˈlæbərɪt/ 精緻的
  • Grassy /ˈɡræsɪ/ 草地的
  • Picnic table /ˈpɪknɪk ˈteɪbl/ 野餐桌
  • Vending machine /ˈvɛndɪŋ məˈʃiːn/ 自動販賣機
  • Cater to /ˈkeɪtər tuː/ 迎合
  • Truck stop /trʌk stɒp/ 卡車停靠站
  • Trucker /ˈtrʌkər/ 卡車司機
  • Diesel fuel /ˈdiːzəl fjʊəl/ 柴油
  • Bay /beɪ/ 區域
  • Depict /dɪˈpɪkt/ 描繪
  • Seedy /ˈsiːdi/ 破舊的
  • Small-time /ˈsmɔːlˌtaɪm/ 小型的
  • Prostitute /ˈprɒstɪˌtuːt/ 賣淫者
  • Accurate /ˈækjərət/ 準確的
  • For the most part /fɔr ðə moʊst pɑrt/ 大多數

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