每日英語 #069: Cleaner Stand-Up Comics

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Stand-up comedy is a popular form of entertainment in the U.S. In a comedy club, you pay a “cover charge” (fee to enter) to hear one or more comics tell jokes.


If you’ve ever been to a “live” (performed in front of you, not recorded) comedy show or have seen one on television, you know that many comics like to use “profanity” (offensive language). Some of the most famous comics of all time are known for their “foul-mouthed” (using bad language) performances.


However, as one owner of a comedy school in New York City points out, having a foul mouth can lose comics jobs. That’s because, in addition to working in comedy clubs, a large number of comics are hired for “corporate gigs” (live performance at a company event).


For these gigs, “bookers” (people who find entertainment for an event) are looking for entertainers who will not offend most people and have performances that are appropriate for families. Having a foul mouth may get quick laughs, but he or she may get “passed over” (overlooked; not get the opportunity) for these “lucrative” (paying a lot of money) jobs.


Having “clean” (not offensive) sets or performances may be difficult for some comics, since part of the nature of stand-up comedy is to “push the envelope” (do things that go beyond what is socially acceptable) and to challenge “conventional” (traditional; normal) thinking or behavior. But it may be “worth their while” (worth it; worth doing) to develop clean “routines” (performances) if they want to work more and to earn more money.



  • Cover charge 入場費 /ˈkʌvər ʧɑrʤ/
  • Live 現場的 /laɪv/
  • Profanity 髒話 /prəˈfænɪti/
  • Foul-mouthed 粗口的 /faʊl maʊðd/
  • Retaliating 反擊 /rɪˈtæliˌeɪtɪŋ/
  • Banning 禁止 /ˈbænɪŋ/
  • Corporate gigs 企業表演 /ˈkɔrpərɪt gɪgz/
  • Bookers 預訂者 /ˈbʊkərz/
  • Passed over 被忽視 /pæst ˈoʊvər/
  • Lucrative 有利可圖的 /ˈlukrətɪv/
  • Clean 乾淨的 /klin/
  • Push the envelope 挑戰極限 /pʊʃ ði ˈɛnvəˌloʊp/
  • Conventional 傳統的 /kənˈvɛnʃənl/
  • Worth their while 值得 /wɜrθ ðɛr waɪl/
  • Routines 表演 /ruˈtinz/
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