每日英語 #076: Supermodels May be Bad for Your Computer

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Supermodels May be Bad for Your Computer

Would you like to see pictures of your favorite “model” (a person who is paid to wear clothes to display them) or your favorite actress? Search for them on the Internet “at your own risk” (with the knowledge that it may be dangerous).


A large computer security company — McAfee — in 2011 “released” (made available to the public) the results of their “annual study” (research done each year) of the famous names used by “cyber” (electronic; digital; Internet-related) criminals. These cyber criminals “lure” (attract) people to websites where they encounter “malware,” which is software designed to damage visitors’ computers. Malware includes:


a) “spyware” – a program that is installed or saved onto your computer that collects information about you without your knowledge,

a) “間諜軟件”——一種安裝或保存到你的計算機上的程序,在你不知情的情況下收集有關你的信息,

b) “adware” – a program that plays advertisements on your computer, including “pop-ups” (new windows that open with ads),

b) “廣告軟件”——在你的計算機上播放廣告的程序,包括“彈出窗口”(帶有廣告的新窗口),

c) “phishing” – a way to deceive or trick you into believing you are on a trusted business website asking you to type in sensitive information, such as your credit card number, passwords, and more, to gather information to use dishonestly, and

c) “網絡釣魚”——一種欺騙或誘騙你相信你在一個可信的商業網站上,要求你輸入敏感信息,如你的信用卡號碼、密碼等,以收集信息用於不誠實的用途,和

d) “viruses” – programs that “replicate” (make copies of itself) and spread to other computers, doing damage to them.

d) “病毒”——能“自我複製”(製作自己的副本)並傳播到其他計算機的程序,對它們造成損害。

The McAfee study found that some movie stars and models are more dangerous to your computer than others. Here’s their list of the top 10 most dangerous:


  • 1. Heidi Klum — model and reality show host and producer 模特和真人秀主持人和製作人
  • 2. Cameron Diaz – actress 女演員
  • 3. Piers Morgan — host of a news and interview show 新聞和採訪節目主持人
  • 4. Jessica Biel — actress 女演員
  • 5. Katherine Heigl — actress 女演員
  • 6. Mila Kunis — actress 女演員
  • 7. Anna Paquin — actress 女演員
  • 8. Adriana Lima — model 模特
  • 9. Scarlett Johansson — actress 女演員
  • 10. Emma Stone, Brad Pitt and Rachel McAdams — actress, actor, and actress in a “three-way tie” (two or more people with the same position or standing) 女演員、男演員和女演員“並列第十”(兩個或更多人處於相同位置或排名)


  • Model 模特 /ˈmɒdəl/
  • At your own risk 後果自負 /æt jər oʊn rɪsk/
  • Released 發布 /rɪˈliːst/
  • Annual study 年度研究 /ˈænjuəl ˈstʌdi/
  • Cyber 網絡 /ˈsaɪbər/
  • Lure 引誘 /lʊr/
  • Malware 惡意軟件 /ˈmælˌwɛr/
  • Spyware 間諜軟件 /ˈspaɪˌwɛr/
  • Adware 廣告軟件 /ˈædˌwɛr/
  • Phishing 網絡釣魚 /ˈfɪʃɪŋ/
  • Viruses 病毒 /ˈvaɪrəsɪz/
  • Replicate 自我複製 /ˈrɛplɪˌkeɪt/
  • Three-way tie 並列第十 /θriː-weɪ taɪ/
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