3.25 PoE: Havoc Manaforged Lightning Arrow Deadeye Guide

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3.25 Havoc Manaforged Lightning Arrow Deadeye (No Totems)

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/havoc616
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@havoc616vods

> Table of Contents <
Who is this PoB for?
Build Pros
Build Cons
Leveling - Gem Progression
Leveling - Passive Tree Notes
Gear - Notes
Gear - Crafting
Maps - Map Progression

> Who is this PoB for? <
- SC Trade or SC SSF Players
- Who want to play LIGHTNING ARROW DEADEYE (No Totems) from LEVEL 12
- Who want to RUSH to 2 or 4 Voidstones (https://youtu.be/_-hibuh5DA4, https://youtu.be/cIedj9HKe9I )
- Who want to transition to or progress as ELEMENTAL HIT OF THE SPECTRUM

> Build Pros <
- Don't get hit Playstyle
- SSF 3Hour A10 Kitava & 6H Eater Exarch Viable (https://youtu.be/_-hibuh5DA4)
- Excellent Clearspeed
- High Endgame Ceiling and Multiple Lategame Farming Options

> Build Cons <
- Don't get hit Playstyle
- Will randomly die without finetuning the character (Example: Not capping supression)
- Extensive experienced required for Hardcore

> Leveling <

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Level 2: After Hillock
Galvanic Arrow - Momentum

Level 4: After Hailrake
Galvanic Arrow - Mirage Archer
Shrapnel Ballista - Momentum (Shrapnel Ballista is Optional)
Sniper's Mark

Level 8: After Lower Prison & Completeing Dweller
Galvanic Arrow - Mirage Archer - Momentum or Added Cold (Optional if 3G)
Burning Arrow - Manaforged Arrows Support
Shrapnel Ballista - Arrow Nova (Shrapnel Ballista & Arrow Nova are Optional)
Sniper's Mark

Level 10: After Brutus
Add Blink Arrow to the above setup

Level 12: After Reaching Cavern of Wrath and Completing Fairgraves
Lightning Arrow - Mirage Archer - Lesser Multiple Projectiles (Momentum OR Added Cold single target swap)
Burning Arrow - Manaforged Arrows Support - Galvanic Arrow
Shrapnel Ballista - Arrow Nova (Shrapnel Ballista & Arrow Nova are Optional)
Sniper's Mark
Blink Arrow

NOTE: If you Prefer Rain of Arrows you can use
Rain of Arrows - Mirage Archer - DAMAGE SUPPORT
& Add Lightning Arrow to a Manaforged Setup or Level in your offhand to swap to Later

Level 16: After Fidelitas
Add Herald of Ice
Add Frenzy to a Manaforged Arrows setup (Replace Galvanic or Burning Arrow ideally)

Optional: Purchase Herald of Thunder (Requires a Lapis Amulet or Intelligence Item)
Optional: Purchase Arctic Armour to swap with Herald of Ice in A5 or Onward

Level 18: After Weaver
Free: Trinity or EDWAS -- Purchase the Other One
Optional: You can delay this step until you have a 4L (Usually in Act 3)


After The Way Forward - Travel back to Act 1:
Optional Purchase: Extra Manaforged Arrows, LMP (If you didn't get one earlier), Precision

Level 24: After Tolman
Purchase: Anger
Free: Grace from Maramoa (Level in offhand)
Optional: Buy Haste and use Haste when travelling between zones, aura swap to Anger on Bosses
Optional: Buy a Heavy Belt

Solaris 2: Rare Lapis Amulet

Level 28: After Gravicius
Free: Storm Rain --> Add to Manaforged Setup
Optional: Purchase Blast Rain

Example Setup at this Point (Colours and Link Dependent)
Lightning Arrow - Mirage Archer - LMP - Trinity
Manaforged Arrows Support - Storm Rain - Blast Rain
Manaforged Arrows Support - Frenzy
Sniper's Mark, Blink Arrow, Frostblink
Anger, HoI or Haste

Optional: Complete Library
Purchase Lifetap -- Add to the Storm Rain / Blast Rain Manaforged Arrows Setup
Purchase Flamedash -- Swap with Frostblink

Normal Lab: Gathering Winds

Level 38: After Malachai
Purchase: Barrage Support (1 ALCHEMY) --> Gem Swap with LMP or Returning Projectiles during Boss Fights
Free: Returning Projectiles
Free: Tornado

You can drop LMP after allocating +2 Arrows on Tree (Master Fletcher, Multishot)

Jade Flask

After Lily Roth if you did not complete the Library Earlier
Purchase Lifetap -- Add to the Storm Rain / Blast Rain Manaforged Arrows Setup
Purchase Flamedash -- Swap with Frostblink

Major Pantheon: Brine King
Minor Pantheon: Ryslatha

Cruel Lab: Farshot
Diamond Flask

Run Grace in The High Gardens when Completing the Yugul Quest

Free Spike-Point Arrow Quiver

Silver Flask
Free Zodiac Leather or Blood Raiment Base
Merc Lab: Endless Munitions

> Leveling - Passive Tree Notes <
- Bows are VERY FLEXIBLE in Passive Tree order. Feel free to deviate and experiment!
- Burning Brutality and Weathered Hunter are EXCELLENT early game nodes that will provide A LOT OF DAMAGE, ALL RESIST & ACCURACY BUT will delay the Crit Swap
- 30 Strength & Intelligence nodes will be required from time to time and are not show in the tree progression. Consider keeping Frostblink/FlameDash at Level 1.

4 Transmutes - PREFIX - LOCATION: Act 3 TOP LEFT of Piety's Arena in Lunaris Level 2
2 Alchemy - Prefix - LOCATION: Act 7 Chamber of Sins Level 2 by the Map Device

When should one swap to CRIT?
a) Force it at Level 60+ no matter the Bow & Passive Tree setup
b) Wait till a Crit Bow Base or any Bow with Above 5% Crit
c) Increased Critical Strikes Support can be a valid 5th Gem, best paired with Increased Critical Damage Support.

- The reason to swap to crit earlier, even if it is equal or potentially worse during early progression is because efficient non-crit scaling runs out of damage by T16 content and is surpassed by crit.
- I currently do a) in every single run

> Gear - Notes <
a) Fury Bolts: Verdant Verdant Teal (excellent early option)
b) Divine Judgement: Sepia Teal Black

Unveils of Interest (Early Prog only)
Wherever you can fit it: SUFFIX Cold/Fire/Lightning & CHAOS Resist Crafts
Belt - SUFFIX Regenerate 150 Energy Shield per second while a Rare or Unique Enemy is Nearby
Gloves - SUFFIX (31-36)% increased Attack and Cast Speed while Focused, Vorici PREFIX: (31-43)% increased Damage while Leeching

New Life Rolls (Early to Late Progression) & New Item Bases (Late Progression)
In 3.25 Life Modifiers on Magic and Rare Gear has been buffed.
This should smoothen out progression, especially when trying to raise our pool from to ~3.5K to ~4K for Red Maps, Guardians, Maven & Uber Elder.

Furthermore, we will also have much stronger defensive bases -- That will make it easer to reach various defensive breakpoints.

That being said -- for Pre-Patch Planning:
- The frequency and availability of these items is unknown
- Meaning the "Acquisition + Crafting + Equipping" of new item bases, might not fit smoothly into a 4 Stone Rush, without losing excessive time.

- Thus, this PoB is still using existing 3.24 Bases, since we know they are easily acquirable around Level 75 maps.
- After leaguestart, we can conduct an evaluation to see which item slots should changed and planned for accordingly.

> Gear - Crafting <

Method 1 = Wisdom Scroll Crafting =)

Method 2 = Essence Crafting

- 1A Spine Bows, 1B Ivory Bow (Less Base Phys)
- Screaming/Shrieking WRATH, HATRED, ANGER, ZEAL

- Broadhead Arrow Quiver, Feathered Arrow Quiver
- Screaming+ TORMENT, SUFFERING, ANGUISH, DREAD (with Projectile Speed Mastery)

Rings / Amulet

- Deicide Mask, Lion Pelt
- Screaming+ GREED, RAGE, LOATHING (For Multi Aura Setups that Pursue 2x 50% + AA + Precision Late Game)

Body Armour
- Sadist Garb, Assassin's Garb
- Screaming+ GREED, WOE (For Life Mastery), LOATHING (For Multi Aura Setups that Pursue 2x 50% + AA + Precision Late Game)

- Slink Gloves
- Screaming+ ZEAL, GREED, For Resists: Screaming+ WRATH, HATRED, ANGER

- Slink Boots
- Shrieking+ ZEAL, GREED, For Resists: Screaming+ WRATH, HATRED, ANGER

- Heavy Belt, Stygian Vise
- Screaming+ RAGE (Strength), For Resists: WRATH, HATRED, ANGER

> Maps - Map Progression <

If you want to gear up:
- beginner recommended
- farm low level maps quickly
- work with PoB to upgrade damage
Essence Rush 24 Points: https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAASABgAXz56zoQqbYin4jD6_E0Xuovh6PKspCtxAq5Fl8skp3u8SekokNmP5cJ2jWTEFtnGFAAfiwgAAAAAAAADAwAAAAAAAAAAAA==
Essence + Jun 55 Points: https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAASADcAXz6p73rOhCptiKfiMPr8Tc4AfKs4iHH1k_LZW_2MF7qL4ejy1yue2Kyke2AnybvbK3FN2gKunqtFl8skp3vnrvXe4RCtlaVz6-H14rxJc5npKKLQGixUh5DZjtjDlyq2j-XCdqlD4z-NZMQW2cYUAB-LCAAAAAAAAAMDAAAAAAAAAAAA

- Crystal Resonance can make Map Bosses Deadly during progression & requires Remenants of Corruption
- Pillage & Plunder may make Betrayal enemies Deadly

If you want to rush: (can be difficult) (this is what I do for 4 stone rushing)

Step 1: Get 50 Atlas Points + Basic Gear. Use Scarabs to get to Tier 16s.
Kirac Essence Rush 40 Points: https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAASACgAh9RfPniAes6EKm2Ip-IhYDD6_E0o57VmOIh9Wo3q2VsXurddi-Ho8rGXntgCrkWXyySne-EQvElzmaLQru-Q2Y_lwnaJo6lD4z-NZMQW2cYUAB-LCAAAAAAAAAMDAAAAAAAAAAAA

Step 2: After 2 STONES
- Allocate Unwavering Vision (Click this first at ~40 to ~48 Points)
- Allocate Remnants of the Past & Destructive Play
- Exchange Essences for any combination of Jun, Boxes & Shrines.
- Allocate any extra mechanics of your choosing, that add monsters to your maps.

Kirac + UV + Essence 68 Points: https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAASAEQAh9RQhl8-eICddrL61El6zoQqbYin4iFgMPr8TSjnjOS1Zsn9OIh9Wo3qazHZWxe65Pe3XYvhfZHo8t7-sZee2AKuKY1Fl8skp3uzx-EQvElzmaLQyxfEH7BIru8O-ZDZGIvBrwtx5eyP5QMwyf5e08J2iaOpQ-M_tWONZMQW2cbS6Fyl6WfQKBQAH4sIAAAAAAAAAwMAAAAAAAAAAAA=
Kirac + UV 59 Points: https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAASADsAh9RQhl8-eICddrL61EmEKqfiIWAw-ijnjOS1Zsn9OIh9Wo3qazHZWxe65Pe3XYvhfZHe_rGXntgCrimNRZene7PH4RC8SXOZotDLF8QfsEiu7w75GIvBrwtx5eyP5QMwyf5e04mjqUPjP7VjjWTS6Fyl6WfQKBQAH4sIAAAAAAAAAwMAAAAAAAAAAAA=

Kirac + UV + Jun 79 Points: https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAASAE8Ah9RQhl8-eICddrL61Emp76fiIWAo54zktWbOAHyryf04iH1ajeprMXH1k_LZWxe65Pe3XX2RJ3Xe_rGX1yue2HtgJ8m7203aAq4pjXDjnqtFl6d7s8fnrvXe4RB9ta2VpXPr4bxJc5mi0MsXxB9Uh7BIru8O-RiLjtjBrwtx5ezDlyq2j-UDMMn-XtOJo6lD4z-1Y41k0uhcpeln0CgUAB-LCAAAAAAAAAMDAAAAAAAAAAAA
Kirac + UV + Shrines 70 Points: https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAASAEYAh9RQhl8-eICddgBIsvrUScHuhCqn4iFgMPoo54zktWbJ_TiITLp9Wo3qazHZWxe65Pe3XYvhfZHe_rGXnthnYAKutdgpjUWXp3uzx-EQGQq8SeIOc5mi0MsXxSEXUMQfsEiu7w75GIvBrwtx5eyP5QMwiAfJ_l7TiaPZXKlD4z-1Y41k0uhcpeln0CgUAB-LCAAAAAAAAAMDAAAAAAAAAAAA

(Optional) Step 3: After acquiring Boss Fragments, Farm Harvest Juice for Fragment Swaps on ATLAS 2
- Can be combined with Crafting Mechanics

Harvest + UV + Remnants/Destructive 82 Points: https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAASAFIAh9RQhniATPWddrL6t-XUSWyZtOn-xSFgS98o55SDjOS1ZqtNzgDJ_X1ajeprMai8zLe92uPzYLLk97ddnztuyLGXTdfXK57Yl-LBWIdVRTpmMLfP4RCbxsFCpXPaI04byxewSOboru9-QBN9DvmnVdorwa_l7CPPj-UDMEH-M8bJ_l7TI8KJo6lDWta1Y2YftJ5tVm-1ka-Zuekk0uhcpeln0CgUAB-LCAAAAAAAAAMDAAAAAAAAAAAA
Harvest + Essence + Jun 76 Points: https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAASAEwATPWp72yZtOnQ2HrO_sVtiDD6S9_8TZSDq03OAHyrjerMt_jf4_NgsujyJ3WING7I1yue2KykJ8krcZfiTdrBWIdVcOOeq8sk56713rfP4RB9tT0Km8atlcFCpXPr4dojThvHXVSH5ugTfRsIkNmnVdorjtgjz8OXKraP5UH-M8YjwsJ2qUNa1mYftJ7EGG1WxBaRr9nGudQUAB-LCAAAAAAAAAMDAAAAAAAAAAAA
Harvest + Essence + Niko + Harbinger 77 Points: https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAASAE0ATPW35aHJbJnQ2HrObYgw-kvf_E0qbqtNzgCN6n7IzLf43-Pz6PKINJ87bsj_wk3X1yue2KykK3GX4qFowViHVQF6yyRFOmYwZrK3z-EQPQqbxsFCpXPaI04bKWLHXeboE30bCOzlOB-Q2XdCp1VJntat2isjz4_lQf4zxiPCwnapQ1rW0f1mH8QYbVbotm-1xBaZudnGI0O51BQAH4sIAAAAAAAAAwMAAAAAAAAAAAA=

- 3.25 Patch Notes state the following:

"Monsters killed from all leagues and additional content can now drop maps.
Previously most of the monsters were prevented from dropping maps except for bosses or elite monsters, now all of them can, but they have a map drop penalty.
The penalty varies based on how many monsters the league adds, and how long the league takes to complete or engage with on average."

- This may allow greater flexibility in content selection and increased map drops in fresh start scenarios.

> Filter <
3.25 Race Filters
You can find them here https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Havoc6/item-filters
Download SOUNDS into your "C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\My Games\Path of Exile" Folder

You need the sound files https://discord.gg/havoc616
Swap to something else in Act 3/4/5+++

> FAQ <

When can I equip Elemental Hit of the Spectrum?
As soon as you get it!

Why do you use Storm Rain in some speedruns?
Storm Rain is used in the Red Map section IF we do not obtain an Elemental Hit of the Spectrum Jewel from lab
& we want to maintain High Single Target Damage into the Red Map Section of the Push.

It is arguably a more advanced option.
For most players I would recommend continuing to play LA/EHOS & gear strongly in White & Yellow Maps.

If you decide to use Storm Rain, the following changes are recommended:
- Lightning Arrow for Storm Rain
- Inc Crit Dmg for Conc Effect (on Bosses)
- Returning Projectiles for a Damage Gem of your choice
- Removal of any Projectile Mechanics from the Gear & Passive Tree (Typically 2-3 Points removed from Piercing Shots)
- Recommended: Adding Ensnaring Arrow to a Manaforged Setup

Rain of Arrows or Lightning Arrow at Level 12. Pros & Cons?
Rain of Arrows is much faster than other bow skills during leveling but requires an intentional effort to kill more monsters in comparison to skills such as Lightning Arrow.
Lightning Arrow will be slightly slower at progression but should offer a bit more XP and Gear during progression.

RoA = 3H A10 Kitava, Gear not so great https://youtu.be/f0riwWC_CZk
Lightning Arrow = 3h13m A10 Kitava, Strong Gear https://youtu.be/_-hibuh5DA4

Manaforged Arrows versus Totems?
- I found both setups to do equal damage versus Searing Exarch
- Supplemental Totems will feel good in A1/A2. A3+ they felt equal.
- Pick whichever version fits your playstyle. It's basically changing a singular 4L

When do I swap to Crit?
a) Force it at Level 60 to 70+ no matter the Bow & Passive Tree setup (this is what I've been doing)
b) Wait till a Crit Bow Base or any Bow with Above 5% Crit
c) Increased Critical Strikes Support can be a valid 5th Gem, best paired with Increased Critical Damage Support.

- The reason to swap to crit earlier, even if it is equal or potentially worse during early progression is because efficient non-crit scaling runs out of damage by T16 content and is surpassed by crit.
- I currently do a) in every single run

I'm dying to Elemental Spell Damage
- Are you Resist Capped
- Are you Spell Supression Capped
- Are you Spell Supression Capped without Revenge of the Hunted

I'm dying to Physical Damage
- Run Arctic Armour
- Craft Physical Damage taken as X Elemental Modifiers via Eldritch Implicits on the Chest (may be rare)
- Urgent Orders + Enduring Cry (For Endurance Charges on Bosses)

I feel like I'm getting surrounded and dying to just a lot of attacks at once
- High Evasion Helps: Consider running Grace or a Jade Flask
- Arctic Armour Helps
- Phasing (via on Kill Effects or a Quartz Flask) Helps
- CWDT + Steelskin or CWDT + Immortal Call Helps
- Don't Get Hit --> Try to Offscreen Monsters. We are a ranged build, use it!

Why do you run Arctic Armour?
- "Buff grants (11-21)% less Physical Damage taken from Hits while stationary"
- "Buff grants (11-20)% less Fire Damage taken from Hits while stationary"
- "Buff grants Immunity to Freeze"

We are Stationary every time we attack.

Why do you take Ghost Dance?
For some reason, Ghost Shrouds are incredibily underrated as a defensive stat for mid-game progression and endgame mapping or bossing.
Best paired with Evasion (10K+) and a Moderate ES Pool (200-300 or much more).

Why not Warden?
During an Atlas Rush I value the Mobility from Tailwind and Extra Projectiles quite highly.
I currently view Warden as a late game option. This may change with more testing.
Playing this build as a Warden and acquiring more projectiles via Support Gems Early (LMP) and/or Gear later (Quivers, Bow) is a reasonable choice.

What do you swap Barrage Support with?
Either Returning Projectiles or Mirage Archer

Why no Piercing Shots?
You can allocate it during mapping. 3 Pierce is unnecessary during boss fights.

How to sustain Lifetap + Manaforged early?
2 Life Flasks
Clever Thief + Instant leech (Great option)
Vitality (optional)
Sharktooth Arrow Base Quiver
Use Lifetap support later (happens often due to socket pressure)

Why help Alira? Can we kill all Bandits?
In a "rush" scenario we don't want to spend too much time gearing and want to focus on pushing harder content.
15% All Res is very valuable in this context.
Late game, getting 20 regrets can be used to fix it with better gear (if deemed necessary)

What is the Maven UberElder v2 Aura Nodes Tree?
Optional skill tree routing if you want to run:
- 2 50% Auras (Grace Anger)
- 1 25% Aura (Arctic Armour)
- & Precision (With Increased Mana Reservation Efficiency on Helm or Chest via a Loathing Essence or via Additional Reservation Nodes)


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