每日英語 #095: “Terminated” and “Made Redundant”

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“Terminated” and “Made Redundant”

No one wants to lose their job, but it’s is a “fact of life” (something that happens in life). “To be terminated” is to lose your job, meaning that your company or boss tells you that you no longer have a job there, that you can no longer work there. “To be terminated” is a formal and official way of saying this. The more common and conversational phrase is “to be fired” from a job.


In a job interview, you may be asked why you were terminated from your last job. If you lost your job because the company closed or reduced its “staff” (group of workers), you would use the term “to be laid off.” “To lay (someone) off” means to dismiss a worker, sometimes “temporarily” (for a short time), because there isn’t enough work; “to be laid off” means to lose your job for this reason. However, if you lose your job because of something bad that happened, then you were terminated or fired.


For example:

  • “There was a letter in her work file indicating that she was terminated for stealing.”
  • “I was fired from my job because my boss didn’t like me.”

In the U.S., we don’t use the term “to be made redundant.” It’s used in Britain and many Americans aren’t even familiar with this phrase. “Redundant” means that something is no longer needed or useful.


We can use it this way:

  • “Now that we have computers to do that job, these workers have become redundant.”
  • “This student’s long essay is filled with redundant information and, in the end, only had one or two real ideas.”

You’re probably familiar with the Terminator movies. One thing you’d never want is to be terminated by the Terminator. His job is to take away more than just your job!



  • Terminated /ˈtɜːrmɪˌneɪtɪd/ - 被終止的
  • Fired /ˈfaɪərd/ - 被解雇
  • Staff /stæf/ - 員工
  • Laid off /leɪd ɔf/ - 被裁員
  • Temporarily /ˈtɛmpəˌrɛrəli/ - 暫時地
  • Redundant /rɪˈdʌndənt/ - 多餘的
  • Military /ˈmɪlɪˌtɛri/ - 軍隊
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