每日英語 #115: The National Geographic Geography Bee 國家地理地理知識競賽

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The National Geographic Geography Bee 國家地理地理知識競賽

A “bee” is a competition for schoolchildren, often for spelling or mathematics. One of the most famous bees in the United States is the “National Geographic Bee” organized each year by the National Geographic Society. The “purpose” (reason for existing) of the Bee is to increase interest in “geography” (the study of the earth’s surface, countries, cultures, and other things) in schools and among the general public.


Students in grades four through eight may “compete” (try to win) in the Bee. First, there are competitions in individual schools. Each school may identify one winner. Then those winners are asked to take a written test about geography. National Geographic “grades” (determines how many answers are correct) each test and chooses the “top” (with the highest scores) 100 students from each state to compete in the state competitions in March or April. Finally, the winner from each state goes to the National Geographic “headquarters” (the main building of a business or organization) in Washington, D.C. for the final National Geographic Bee competition in May.


The competition has been held every year since 1989. Each year it becomes more “intense” (serious and stressful). Many children study geography “all year long” (during an entire year) to compete. The competition is shown on public television. The questions are extremely difficult and most “viewers” (people who watch the competition) are “amazed” (very surprised in a good way) by the children’s knowledge of geography. The three top winners receive “scholarships” (money given to someone to pay for his or her education) of $25,000, $15,000, and $10,000.



  • 1. bee /biː/ — 比賽
  • 2. geography /dʒiˈɒɡrəfi/ — 地理
  • 3. compete /kəmˈpiːt/ — 競爭
  • 4. grade /ɡreɪd/ — 評分
  • 5. intense /ɪnˈtɛns/ — 激烈的
  • 6. viewer /ˈvjuːər/ — 觀眾
  • 7. amazed /əˈmeɪzd/ — 驚訝的
  • 8. scholarship /ˈskɒləʃɪp/ — 獎學金
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