每日英語 #132: Walking and Talking

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Walking and Talking

Have you become angry when the person in front of you is walking too slowly? Have you ever thought, “Get off your phone and walk faster!”? Congratulations! You may have PAS - Pedestrian Aggressiveness Syndrome.

你是否曾因前面的人走得太慢而感到憤怒?你是否曾想過,「別玩手機了,走快點!」?恭喜你!你可能患有行人攻擊症候群(Pedestrian Aggressiveness Syndrome,PAS)。

What is Pedestrian Aggressiveness Syndrome? A “pedestrian” is someone who is walking; “aggressiveness” is when you are very forceful in a mean or unkind way; and a “syndrome” is a type of mental disease.


PAS, also called sidewalk “rage” (anger), is when people get really mad at other people because of the way they are walking down the street, similar to “road rage” for those in cars.


The City of New York actually measured how fast different types of people walked down the streets of Manhattan, the main business district of the city, and found the following average walking speeds, from fastest to slowest:


  • Headphone listeners – 4.64 feet per second (fps) 戴耳機的人 – 每秒 4.64 英尺
  • Men – 4.42 fps 男性 – 每秒 4.42 英尺
  • People going to work – 4.41 fps 上班族 – 每秒 4.41 英尺
  • People with bags – 4.27 fps 背包的人 – 每秒 4.27 英尺
  • Average person – 4.27 fps 平均步行者 – 每秒 4.27 英尺
  • Cell phone users – 4.20 fps 使用手機的人 – 每秒 4.20 英尺
  • Smokers – 4.17 fps 吸煙者 – 每秒 4.17 英尺
  • Women – 4.10 fps 女性 – 每秒 4.10 英尺
  • Tourists – 3.79 fps 遊客 – 每秒 3.79 英尺
  • “Large” people (tall; fat) – 3.74 fps 體型較大的人(高大;肥胖)– 每秒 3.74 英尺
  • Over 65 years old – 3.63 fps 65歲以上的人 – 每秒 3.63 英尺

The city found that people tend to walk more slowly than average when smoking (2.3% slower) and talking on a cell phone (1.6% slower), while people with headphones (for example, listening to music) walk 9% faster than average. Tourists – no surprise – walk 11% slower.



  • 1. Pedestrian - 行人 / [pəˈdɛstriən]
  • 2. Aggressiveness - 攻擊性 / [əˈɡrɛsɪvnɪs]
  • 3. Syndrome - 症候群 / [ˈsɪndroʊm]
  • 4. Rage - 憤怒 / [reɪdʒ]
  • 5. Headphone - 耳機 / [ˈhɛdˌfoʊn]
  • 6. Tourist - 遊客 / [ˈtʊrɪst]
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