每日英語 #133: The Cost of Wedding Cakes

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The Cost of Wedding Cakes

The costs of having a wedding in the United States can be very high. While some people prefer a simple “wedding ceremony” (official event to get married) and “reception” (party or celebration after a wedding or other ceremony), some “couples” (two people who are together romantically) “go all out” (do the maximum; do something without limits).


The reception itself can be very “costly” (expensive). The price of “renting” (paying money to use a place for a short time) a place to hold the reception and “catering” (professional service to provide food for guests) can really “run up the tab” (add up to a high price).


One of the major expenses is the wedding cake, which can be very “elaborate” (fancy; complicated, with many parts). According to a 2007 Reader’s Digest article, real wedding cakes in the U.S. cost an average of $550.


But now, there’s one way to cut costs: a fake wedding cake! To save money, some Americans are buying a “replica” (copy) made of “foam,” the white material used to pack the inside of packages to prevent the contents from breaking. In these fake cakes, there is a secret compartment or section for the first “slice” (piece) of cake that is “cut” and eaten by the bride and groom.


The tradition is for the bride and groom to feed each other the cake, often with their hands, and it can get very messy. Once that part of the wedding reception is over, the fake cake is taken into the kitchen and the guests are served slices of a much less expensive cake.



  • 1. Wedding ceremony - 婚禮儀式 / [ˈwɛdɪŋ ˈsɛrəˌmoʊni]
  • 2. Reception - 婚宴 / [rɪˈsɛpʃən]
  • 3. Couple - 情侶 / [ˈkʌpəl]
  • 4. Go all out - 全力以赴 / [ɡoʊ ɔl aʊt]
  • 5. Costly - 昂貴的 / [ˈkɔstli]
  • 6. Renting - 租借 / [ˈrɛntɪŋ]
  • 7. Catering - 餐飲服務 / [ˈkeɪtərɪŋ]
  • 8. Run up the tab - 帳單迅速增加 / [rʌn ʌp ðə tæb]
  • 9. Elaborate - 精緻的 / [ɪˈlæbərɪt]
  • 10. Replica - 仿製品 / [ˈrɛplɪkə]
  • 11. Foam - 泡沫 / [foʊm]
  • 12. Slice - 片 / [slaɪs]
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