每日英語 #167: 美國的離婚和結婚紀念日

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Divorce and Marriage Anniversaries in the United States 美國的離婚和結婚紀念日

More than half of all marriages in the United States today will end in a divorce; that is, the married couple will end their marriage and each person will become single again. That is one reason why some couples wait for a long time before getting married.


Most U.S. states now have what are called “no fault” divorces. In a no fault divorce, both the man and the woman agree that they want to end their marriage, and that it isn’t just one person’s fault or responsibility. Married couples who want to get a divorce have to fill out legal forms and give them to the local government.


Of course, not everyone who gets married in the U.S. will get divorced! There are many couples who stay married for many years. After 25 years of marriage, these couples usually have a special celebration or party for their “silver” anniversary. After 50 years, they have another party called a “golden” anniversary.



  • 1. divorce /dɪˈvɔrs/ 離婚
  • 2. no fault divorce 無過錯離婚
  • 3. silver anniversary /ˈsɪlvər ˌænəˈvɜrsəri/ 銀婚紀念日(結婚25年)
  • 4. golden anniversary /ˈɡoʊldən ˌænəˈvɜrsəri/ 金婚紀念日(結婚50年)
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