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English: This video discusses the "Mark of the Beast," end-times scenarios, and the Christian stance and response. It emphasizes the importance of accepting salvation through Jesus. The video mentions that the "Mark of the Beast" could resemble technology like Neuralink and describes various controls and effects after accepting the mark, such as suppressed emotions, loss of free will, and how governments use technology to track those without the mark.


  • 🔍 中文:獸的印記技術:獸的印記可能是一種小型方形晶片,注射於手部或額頭,能影響情緒並抑制自由意志,使人如同「行屍走肉」。 English: Technology of the Mark of the Beast: The mark may be a small square chip injected into the hand or forehead. It can influence emotions and suppress free will, rendering individuals like "walking zombies."
  • 🚁 中文:政府監控:各國政府將使用無人機來追蹤未接受印記的人,並設置檢查站,只允許有印記的人進入城市以獲取資源。 English: Government Surveillance: Governments worldwide will use drones to track those without the mark and set up checkpoints, allowing only marked individuals to enter cities for resources.
  • ⏳ 中文:悔改與救恩:影片呼籲人們抓住時間悔改,接受耶穌基督為救主,以避免在末世經歷極大的苦難與永恆的痛苦。 English: Call for Repentance and Salvation: The video urges people to take the time to repent and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior to avoid immense suffering in the end times and eternal torment.

Key Scenarios (影片場景關鍵描述)

  1. 中文:未接受印記的基督徒在野外躲藏,政府利用無人機和科技追蹤他們。 English: Christians without the mark hide in the wilderness while governments use drones and technology to track them.
  2. 中文:接受印記的人失去情感,成為如「僵屍」般的狀態,甚至無法選擇自我傷害。 English: Those with the mark lose their emotions, entering a "zombie-like" state, unable to choose self-harm.
  3. 中文:每週五,人們被要求穿白袍,集體在大屏幕前崇拜敵基督者。 English: On Fridays, people are required to wear white robes and collectively worship the Antichrist in front of large screens.
  4. 中文:敵基督旗幟替代所有國家旗幟,象徵全球統一的統治與崇拜。 English: The Antichrist's flag replaces all national flags, symbolizing global unified rule and worship.
  5. 中文:基督徒的禱告保護在教會被提之後撤除,世界陷入混亂與無政府狀態。 English: After the church's rapture, the prayer covering is removed, and the world descends into chaos and anarchy.
  6. 中文:末世將充滿虛假的「外星人入侵」宣傳,誤導人們偏離基督信仰。 English: The end times will feature false "alien invasion" propaganda, misleading people away from faith in Christ.

Call to Action (行動呼籲)


English: The speaker invites viewers to accept Jesus Christ through prayer, gain eternal life, and avoid the suffering of the end times.

Keywords (關鍵字)

中文:#末世 #獸的印記 #救恩 #敵基督

English: #EndTimes #MarkOfTheBeast #Salvation #Antichrist

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