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更新於 2024/12/08閱讀時間約 5 分鐘



I attended a common senior high school from 2007 to 2010. Despite the fact that I had a pack of close friends around me in class, I still felt ineffably alone. The road to acquiring English capabilities had always been like this throughout these three years. By no means did I boast my English abilities, because whole lots of people around the world did better than I. It was just that I took in extremely high expectations from some of my English teachers and myself. Being noticed by the teachers might appear to be spectacular, or at least something to be proud of, but actually, I also took incredibly high responsibilities in each English test, mock exam, competition, and so on.

You ask me why? Such high expectations indicate that I had to always perform well and to go the extra mile for spelling bee contests and English composition competitions throughout the three years. Thus, the only escape from all the stress at that time was simply reading English or Chinese novels. Through reading novels, I could explore wonder lands developed by the authors. I guess diving into reading was the only way out.

I sacrificed my possible fun time for attending school clubs, being in a relationship, and many other possible fun activities during high school. It was not until I attended the university that I eventually enjoyed some of the fun stuff I never tried before. Anyway, I totally understand the difficulties to strike a balance between schoolwork and other issues in life at this phase. If I could go back to the past, I might have patted myself on my shoulder and spent less time being an English nerd, I suppose.

前言 其實早在去年有設置這個服務,現在只是完善它的細節和功能,讓大家能夠更方便使用這個服務。
前言 我不會真的分析所有題目,因為早在考試結束當時,網路上有各補習班的完整分析了,但如果有對於我未分析的部分有疑問,歡迎在此篇文章底下留言給我。 這次我想以我的觀點和邏輯來分析試題。若想看非選題怎麼作答,可以看這篇: 113 學年度學測英文考科分析(下)。
大家好,好久不見,我是瑪麗。 起源 這次應 Yawen 的邀約,我一樣會以教學者的角度,來看學生如何作答今年統測英文試題(四技共同科),進而寫出分析的文章,而這次分析會以選擇題為主。
前言 其實早在去年有設置這個服務,現在只是完善它的細節和功能,讓大家能夠更方便使用這個服務。
前言 我不會真的分析所有題目,因為早在考試結束當時,網路上有各補習班的完整分析了,但如果有對於我未分析的部分有疑問,歡迎在此篇文章底下留言給我。 這次我想以我的觀點和邏輯來分析試題。若想看非選題怎麼作答,可以看這篇: 113 學年度學測英文考科分析(下)。
大家好,好久不見,我是瑪麗。 起源 這次應 Yawen 的邀約,我一樣會以教學者的角度,來看學生如何作答今年統測英文試題(四技共同科),進而寫出分析的文章,而這次分析會以選擇題為主。
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