<Our thoughts are our stories, challenging our beliefs while balancing with standing firmly what align with one's authentic self>
We often tend to believe what is resonating with our past experience. As a result, we choose to approach more and more ideas and concepts that resonate with us. In the long run, our thoughts are shaped and our mindset are constructed by which ideas or concepts that resonate with our limited experience. If we don't be willing to challenge our own beliefs, in the end, we will become overconfident of what we know and this might alienate us from the path of pursuing the truth ( what is the truth? Is that only one truth? Or truth is also subjective?)
Hence, in order to pursue the truth, we need to foster the habit of challenging and questioning our own beliefs in our daily life. Additionally, we could also read more books, watch more movies, listen to other real life experiences, engage in diverse discussion groups, keep a reflective journal, etc., so that we can access the experience which is different from us.
Those ways enable us to have the chance to challenge what we insist on is completely correct but it might not be true and enhance our critical thinking.
However, while we challenge our own thinking, it is also important for us to balance with the action of believing the value which align with our authentic self so that we can have a firm stand that allow us to carry out action in our daily life.
References: Foundations of thought. By Dr Esha Lovric.