以下整理20組適用於塔羅占卜品牌的中英文對照文案,幫助你在 IG 或其他平台上有效傳遞品牌理念並與受眾建立情感連結:
- 探索你內心的力量,讓塔羅指引你前行。
Explore the power within you, let Tarot guide your journey.
- 每一張塔羅牌,都是你的靈性啟示。
Every Tarot card is a spiritual revelation for you.
- 準備好迎接未來的指引了嗎?
Are you ready to receive the guidance for your future?
- 塔羅占卜:揭開未知的面紗,走向新的可能。
Tarot reading: Unveil the unknown and step into new possibilities.
- 讓塔羅牌帶你尋找屬於自己的答案。
Let Tarot lead you to find the answers meant for you.
- 心中的疑問,塔羅牌為你解答。
Your questions, answered by the Tarot cards.
- 每一次塔羅占卜,都是一次自我探索的旅程。
Every Tarot reading is a journey of self-discovery.
- 塔羅占卜:觸碰靈魂的聲音,聆聽內心的智慧。
Tarot reading: Touch the voice of the soul, listen to the wisdom within.
- 讓塔羅占卜成為你日常的靈性指南。
Let Tarot readings become your daily spiritual guide.
- 對未來的好奇心,塔羅牌帶你探索每個可能性。
Curiosity about the future? Tarot cards will guide you through every possibility.
- 每一張牌都是宇宙的訊息,準備好接收它們了嗎?
Each card is a message from the universe. Are you ready to receive it?
- 塔羅:幫助你發現心中未曾察覺的真相。
Tarot: Helping you uncover truths you haven't noticed within yourself.
- 塔羅占卜:深度連結你的靈魂與心靈。
Tarot reading: A deep connection to your soul and spirit.
- 每次抽牌,都像是在與宇宙對話。
Every draw feels like a conversation with the universe.
- 打開你的心,讓塔羅牌帶你找到真正的自己。
Open your heart, let Tarot reveal your true self.
- 塔羅占卜:重新整理你的能量,迎接新的開始。
Tarot reading: Reset your energy and welcome new beginnings.
- 每一張塔羅牌,都在訴說一段故事。
Each Tarot card tells a story waiting to unfold.
- 讓塔羅帶你走過迷霧,找到明確的方向。
Let Tarot guide you through the fog, finding a clear direction.
- 塔羅牌中的每一個符號,都是來自宇宙的指引。
Every symbol in Tarot is a guide from the universe.
- 讓塔羅占卜幫你打開人生的新篇章。
Let Tarot reading open a new chapter in your life.
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