晨曦初亮街頭寂靜無聲 空氣微涼像夢境般朦朧 路燈滅了卻不知為何 思緒飛揚心早已失落 風吹過樹葉沙沙作響 昨日的煩惱隨風飄蕩 腳步輕盈跨過每個街角 心中的傷痛慢慢淡忘 我在晨曦初亮時醒來 迎接新的希望和期待 眼淚劃過臉頰不再傷懷 心中那萬般花開 撲面而來的晨光溫暖 照亮我心中每個黑暗 未來雖遠卻並不孤單 夢還在心中不斷擴展 曾經的迷茫成了過往 現在的勇氣伴我成長 失去了昨日的悲傷 擁抱著明天的絢爛光芒 我在晨曦初亮時醒來 迎接新的希望和期待 眼淚劃過臉頰不再傷懷 心中那萬般花開
這首詩我也有做成歌,喜歡聽歌的朋友可以點擊這個YouTube 連結:
(In the early dawn, the street is silent, The air is cool, like a dreamy haze. Streetlights are out, but no one knows why, Thoughts soar, and my heart is already lost. The wind rustles through the leaves, Yesterday's troubles float away. Light footsteps cross every corner, The pain in my heart slowly fades away. I wake in the early dawn, Welcoming new hopes and expectations. Tears streak across my cheeks but no longer hurt, In my heart, countless flowers bloom. The morning light warmly embraces me, Illuminating every darkness in my heart. The future, though distant, is not lonely, Dreams continue to expand in my heart. The past confusion has become history, Now courage accompanies my growth. The sorrow of yesterday has been lost, Embracing the brilliant light of tomorrow. I wake in the early dawn, Welcoming new hopes and expectations. Tears streak across my cheeks but no longer hurt, In my heart, countless flowers bloom.)