可惜的是,訊息再怎麼塞,總會有一些遺珠之憾,不論是篇幅不足或是意見離題了。未來可以再慢慢地依主題寫進系刊中,其中五年級第7號回覆的內容便是其一。這則回覆引用了Louis I. Kahn在 “Essential Texts” (W. W. Norton & Company, 2003) 一書中所寫的做為起頭:
The work of student should not be directed to the solution of problems, but rather to sensing the nature of a thing. But you cannot know a nature without getting it out of your guts. You must sense what it is, and then you can look up what other people think it is. What you sense must belong to you, and the words of teaching must not in any way be in evidence, so completely has it been transformed into the singularity. ...I learned more from the students than I teach. This is not an idle thing. It is not what they teach me, but what I teach myself in the presence of singularities. Teaching is an act of singularity to singularity. It is not talking to a group. They teach you of your own singularity, because only a singularity can teach a singularity.
上引文應該出自書中的 An Approach to Architectural Education 一節,曾/原發表於1956年,後集錄在2003年的這本書中。