Consensus Singapore 2018

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This is my first time to attend Consensus hold by CoinDesk, as I’m the newcomer for the blockchain industry, my friend recommend me most come to this event no matter how. I did meet lots of investor in this event, it was fruitful.

This event was full of the exhibitions in the middle of the hall, on the side, there are many small conference room discuss the different topic, there is one big stage is for the blockchain session, there is a catering area is for the paid tickets.

The most exciting part is the last speaker CZ from Binance CEO, everyone is trying to pitch and take photo with him by the end of his panel discussion, people treat him like a movie star, but he is very humble and try to remind the people who want to pitch to him that they shall aware other people are waiting.

If you have any question, please feel free to leave your comment, or discuss with me.
Originally published at
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2024 年 8 月 12 日,台北市的 W 飯店迎來了一場備受矚目的金融界盛會-由商林投資股份有限公司與經豐投資股份有限公司共同舉辦的年度金融高峰會。這場盛會猶如一顆璀璨的星辰,吸引了近 450 位金融業的翹楚和精英,共同聚焦未來金融發展的動向,展開了一場深度且富有前瞻性的思想碰撞。
你能想像在一個聚集了2000個企業主的盛大年會上會是什麼樣的情景嗎? 這是一場充滿活力和熱情的盛會,而我也決定成為其中的一員,體驗到了其中的種種精彩與挑戰。讓我帶你一起回顧這次冒險之旅,看看我在這次年會上都觀察到了什麼有趣的事情。 大型活動的動線規劃和基礎設施 首先,大型活動的動線規劃至關
對話十字路口:將商務談話引向正確方向 請依據如下的會議開場致詞,從選項中挑出適合的應答(可能不只一個) The scene takes place at a bustling trade exposition. A is the CEO of a technology company, B is
對話十字路口:將商務談話引向正確方向 請依據如下的會議開場致詞,從選項中挑出適合的應答(可能不只一個) Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you for attending this urgent meeting. We've called this meeting
第一次以個人投資人和自媒體的身分參加這類型活動。不用很認真邊聽邊記筆記,不用回去趕memo給老闆交差。可以隨心所欲自由分享的感覺真爽。 🔥黃仁勳出場,大家歡呼掌聲👏歡呼聲再高八度的話,我都以為是Taylor Swift上台了。但還是有一種偶像出場,或是某種宗教領袖出場的感覺
創創早餐會,每週一次的線上聚會,由 EiMBA 校友會發起,藉由創業家們交流經驗,開啟更多的機會。此次分享者為 DNA club 的葉書維 Kevin,分享他的兩家公司目前在經營的事業,以及他對於區塊鏈幣圈的觀察。