Demo Asia 2018

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This is CYzone first time hold the startup pitch competition in Singapore, it is their first step out of China, doing similar like Demo China. With the cooperation with Switch, they rent the facility from Switch, CYzone is responsible for arranging the startups, investor and Singapore government or accelerators.

Although I’m not sure if CYzone got any profit from this event, it was really lucky that as a startup, we don’t need to pay any fee to join the pitch competition. Because I know to join this type of competition, there are many event organizers is asking startup to pay for attending fee, I certainly understood their business model, at the same time, we are very appreciated CYzone gave us this opportunity.

We prepared the rehearsal one day before the Demo show, it was slightly different from Demo China, we just run through the presentation if function well, we didn’t have a chance to go up stage speaking about the whole presentation, I could sense Switch staff was tired.

Demo Asia is part of Switch, so many events are happening at the same time. On the Demo Show, the founder of CYzone Mary Nan is very exciting about their first time in Singapore, later National Research Foundation seems very important organization in Singapore. There was 4 keynote speech in the morning and 2-panel discussion in the afternoon. There was 16 startup in the competition, English was mainly spoken, but some startup spoke Mandarin as the jury was mostly from China, I think it was challenging for some jury don’t speak English, although simultaneous translation device was provided. The winner is the first speaker, sometimes the order is very important.

In the night there was a private dinner, the investors and startup speaker can talk face to face, it was a very nice arrangement as well.
If you have any question, please feel free to leave your comment, or discuss with me.
Originally published at

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去年,參加時代基金會創業人計畫 YEF,雖然有幸入選,也走到了第一次發表,但全程我都對這個活動迷茫到爆,完全不知道自己在那裡做什麼、感受不到絲毫學長姐分享時的激動與感動。
Hi all, 每到選舉年,就會有政客跳出來說台灣應該要學新加坡,更甚者,開始出現明的暗的吹捧特定候選人會成為台灣的李光耀救贖大家之類的。 有趣的是,那些真正在新加坡工作生活的人,對於上述的說法倒沒特別說什麼,甚至更多的是對那裡有更多的反省,以及去思考台灣可以學什麼,不學什麼。