更新於 2021/04/25閱讀時間約 1 分鐘

042521A Plentiful & 充沛

    Thanks to the traffic signal, met Goutystalk Nettlespurge, during my biking for the grocery shopping at the downtown.  Shaped as the coral, bringing the cool and fresh from the ocean.  The smooth texture itself, neutralizes the heat of the aggressive orange color itself.  Feeling as the warm color of the sundown, appears.  Adorable yellow flowers, make her even charmingly postured.  Plentifully Yours, ~ Love365**Ps. 騎單車進市區採買停紅燈時, 看到這, 亮眼活力橘色.外觀如海洋珊瑚, 自海洋帶來, 那清新舒爽感受.粉嫩質地, 緩和了如豔陽般亮橘, 本有的炙熱感; 如同夕陽西下時, 與雲朵於天際間合力調合成的暖光.金黃花朵, 鑲綴著. 這手掌大的景物, 蠻精采豐富的.
    Thanks to the traffic signal, met Goutystalk Nettlespurge, during my biking for the grocery shopping at the downtown. Shaped as the coral, bringing the cool and fresh from the ocean. The smooth texture itself, neutralizes the heat of the aggressive orange color itself. Feeling as the warm color of the sundown, appears. Adorable yellow flowers, make her even charmingly postured. Plentifully Yours, ~ Love365** Ps. 騎單車進市區採買停紅燈時, 看到這, 亮眼活力橘色. 外觀如海洋珊瑚, 自海洋帶來, 那清新舒爽感受. 粉嫩質地, 緩和了如豔陽般亮橘, 本有的炙熱感; 如同夕陽西下時, 與雲朵於天際間合力調合成的暖光. 金黃花朵, 鑲綴著. 這手掌大的景物, 蠻精采豐富的.
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