更新於 2021/05/25閱讀時間約 1 分鐘

052521 Utilize& 應用

    During visiting friend’s garden, saw the chrysanthemum.  Phase-1 career, for worshiping the ancestors, in Taiwan.  Phase-2 career, the cuttings are planted.  Remembered that weeks ago, during visiting another friend, impressed about her freely arranging flowers(=the remaining flowers sent by her friend owning a flower shop), and load them in a recycled drink bottle.  Love the way to make good use of the valuable resources.Enjoy the looking and air of the house, where NATURE is around.  Appreciate the action, to get the truly kindly pretty gift from NATURE, so efficiently continued.  Intelligently Yours, ~ Love365**Ps.安平友人, 將祭祀後菊花, 如此地扦插; 生機蓬勃, 綠意盎然. 想起, 甲仙友人, 將花店友人營業用剩餘花材, 隨興地插了花.  賞心悅目, 比比皆是; 平心靜氣, 樂趣隨拾. 自然資源, 善加利用; 真善美的, 盡力延續.
    During visiting friend’s garden, saw the chrysanthemum. Phase-1 career, for worshiping the ancestors, in Taiwan. Phase-2 career, the cuttings are planted. Remembered that weeks ago, during visiting another friend, impressed about her freely arranging flowers(=the remaining flowers sent by her friend owning a flower shop), and load them in a recycled drink bottle. Love the way to make good use of the valuable resources. Enjoy the looking and air of the house, where NATURE is around. Appreciate the action, to get the truly kindly pretty gift from NATURE, so efficiently continued. Intelligently Yours, ~ Love365** Ps. 安平友人, 將祭祀後菊花, 如此地扦插; 生機蓬勃, 綠意盎然. 想起, 甲仙友人, 將花店友人營業用剩餘花材, 隨興地插了花. 賞心悅目, 比比皆是; 平心靜氣, 樂趣隨拾. 自然資源, 善加利用; 真善美的, 盡力延續.
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