2022-01-09|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 6 分鐘

2022 豐盛冥想21天

    #完成任務記得在留言區打卡:DAY0 完成
    去年第一次進行21天的豐盛冥想,剛開始我也驚訝不已 : 我冥想是為了動物溝通,冥想就可以豐盛 ? 冥想就可以 ? 但看到很多人已經在這個心靈遊戲中得到收穫,我又不甘寂寞地覺得還是試試看吧 ! 幾天之後先是感受到被滿滿的幸福能量包圍,在生活中看到大大小小的感謝 ! 接下來的一年內更是展開許多面向,認識了一年前不會認識的人,在他們身上看到更多豐盛,變成豐盛夥伴 ! 更神奇的是竟然因為空間參訪而認識錄製中文版豐盛冥想的Renee本人,她剛好創辦了新的空間,而Renee也已經啟動了第二的版本的豐盛冥想喔 !
    誠摯邀請您一起來體驗這個由 Deepak Chopra 所引領的名為「21天贏得豐盛」的計劃。每天的任務是聆聽約15分鐘的冥想和一個小任務。結果將會非常驚人!
    這是 Deepak Chopra 強大的 21 天冥想。這些練習非常有力,而且是人們自然可以做到以創造自己想要的東西,但 Deepak 用一種簡單的方式將其分解。該程序旨在幫助您養成豐盛的習慣。
    在此我只是個信使,傳遞 Deepak Chopra 設立程序的信息和意圖。任務完全按照程序提供的方式共享。目的是讓您更好地了解自己,改變並明晰信念和態度。
    The following is the event message:
    I will create an abundance group. I am inviting you to experience a 21-day program conducted by Deepak Chopra, titled "win 21 days abundance". Your task each day is to listen to his 15-minute meditation and 15-minute task. The result will be amazing.
    If you are ok with it. I will put you in this group. If you have friends who are interested, please kindly let me know.
    If you can’t or don’t want to participate, you can leave this group at any time...zero judgment and commitment! I know adding one more thing to our lives can feel like a lot and it might not be for everyone.
    For those who want to participate, here’s the info:
    This is Deepak Chopra's powerful 21 Day Meditation. The exercises are powerful, and exactly what one might naturally do in order to create what they want but Deepak breaks it down in a simple way.
    This program is meant to support you in cultivating the habit of abundance.
    I am only the messenger passing along the information and intentions as prescribed by Deepak Chopra’s program. The tasks are shared exactly as provided by the program. The goal is to get to know yourself better, change/clarify beliefs and attitudes.
    This program is free of charge.
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