更新於 2022/03/23閱讀時間約 10 分鐘

Human Design的「政治」迴路

人們普遍認為,政治,特別是政治制度是文化的產物。就像自由意志的個人虛榮心一樣,我們投票給什麼、我們跟隨誰、我們服務什麼,都不是選擇的問題。下圖中是在 Bodygraph(人體圖)中可以找到的政治矩陣。
顯然,矩陣在 Heart(Ego、心臟)中心之外運作。在「心」之下是二元物質壓力,在四種政治表現方式之上。心臟下方的內部系統在 Human Design(人類設計/人設圖/人類圖)中稱為 Ego Circuit(自我迴路)。Root of all Evil(萬惡之源),其實只是形式上的生存壓力。Splenic(脾)面為求財之壓力。Solar Plexus(太陽神經叢、直覺中心)方面是分配資源的壓力。直接顯現的潛力僅限於將 Heart(心臟)直接連接到 Throat(喉嚨)中心的通道(通道21-45 = 金錢線)。
因此,它是我們最古老和最一致的統治制度,即部落君主制。其他三種政治表達形式必須首先通過身份,即 G 中心。這是一種反抗和精神覺醒的方式,有一種力量或體現的真理比當地的血統統治者更大。
25號匣門是 Priest/Priestess(牧師/女祭司)的匣門,是「教會」和「國家」之間的分界線。然而,神職人員挑戰國家權威的權力本身也導致了對神職人員本身權威的挑戰。當我說領先時,重要的是要理解進步是內在的。
這是一個主題,我一直將你的注意力集中在行星對我們生活的政治影響上。我們傾向於從人的角度看待政治局勢。然而,正如個人通常通過非我運作一樣,顯然,整個地球都深深地受到程序的制約。在上個月的一期中,我寫了關於 Pluto(冥王星)在26號匣門的文章。Tribal circuitry(部落迴路)在當前的行星規劃中占主導地位,Neptune(海王星)在第19號匣門,本月 Mars(火星)在第37號匣門。下圖概述了 Bodygraph(人體圖)的「政治」迴路。
無論是在政治上還是在商業上,tribes(部落)的自然傾向是擁護君主制、獨裁或「強人」權威。一個美國總統可以因為荷爾蒙而被彈劾,但下任總統卻可以在錯誤的前提下開戰,幾乎什麼也沒聽到,這真是太奇怪了。部落就是答案。在 Pluto/Neptune(冥王星/海王星)的影響下,部落在真理、信仰和領土方面陷入了最深的困境,如果野獸穿著你的顏色,你就會歡呼。想一想,整整一代人正帶著這些印記進入這個世界。未來幾乎沒有和平的跡象。
It is a commonly held assumption that politics and in particular political systems are cultural by products. Like the personal vanity of free will, what we vote for, who we follow, what we serve is not a matter of choice. In the graph below is the political matrix to be found in the Body Graph.
Clearly the matrix operates out of the Heart centre. Below the Heart are the binary material pressures and above the four ways of political manifestation. The inner system below the Heart is called the Ego Circuit in HDS. The “Root of all Evil” is in fact simply the pressure to survive in form. The Splenic side is the pressure to secure wealth. The Solar Plexus side is the pressure to apportion resources. The potential to manifest directly is limited to the channel connecting directly the Heart to the Throat centre (21-45 = the Money line).
As such it is our most ancient and consistent system of rulership, that of tribal monarchy. The three other forms of political expression must first pass through the identity, the G-centre. This is a way of rebellion and spiritual awakening, that there is a power or embodied truth greater than the local blood ruler.
The 25. gate is that of the Priest/Priestess and the division between the “Church” and the “State”. Yet, the very power of the priesthood to challenge the authority of the state also leads to the challenge to the authority of the priesthood itself. And when I say lead, it is important to understand that the progression is build in.
The Authoritarian manifestation is the natural root of the priesthood, power to rule based on secrets and maintaining the past as the way into the future. The Democratic manifestation challenges religion with philosophy and transforms the rules of absolutes into the rule of the majority. Finally, the manifestation of Individualism challenges collective rule with individual example and mutation.
It has been a subject that I have been focusing your attention on the political impact on our lives conditioned by the planets. We tend to see political situations in human terms. Yet, just as individuals generally operate through the not-self, obviously, the planet as a whole is deeply conditioned by the program. In last months issue I wrote about Pluto in the 26th gate. Tribal circuitry dominates in the present planetary programming with Neptune in the 19th gate and this month Mars in the 37th gate. The illustration below outlines the 'political' circuitry of the Bodygraph.
The tribes natural tendency is to embrace monarchical, dictatorial or 'strongman' authority whether in politics or business. How odd that an American president can be impeached for his hormones but the following president can go to war on a false premise and barely nothing is heard. The Tribe is the answer. Under the Pluto/Neptune influence which brings the tribe to its deepest dilemmas concerning truth, faith and territory, if the beast is wearing your colours, you cheer. And think, a whole generation is coming into the world in the millions carrying these imprints. There is little sign of peace in the future.
~ Ra Uru Hu
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