...At the same time as we were working on possible solutions to the situation, we met and got to know the founders of Yuga Labs. We found many things in common, but we also saw in them the skill set and expertise in this space that we were missing. In many ways Yuga is the innovator of the model for the modern PFP project, and are the best people in the world at operating and growing these projects and communities around them.
...在我們研究可能的解決方案的同時,我們認識了 Yuga Labs 的創始人。 我們有許多共同點,但我們也從他們身上看到了我們在這個領域所缺少的技能和專業知識。 在許多方面,Yuga 是 PFP 項目模式的創新者,並且是世界上最擅長營運和發展這些項目和社群的人。
如果我們計算到2022年的五月初,也就是BAYC以0.08ETH發行的一週年後,如今BAYC的鑽石手持有者(Diamond Hand,指長期持有者)已經獲利超過1500倍(以2022年5/4地板價計算,下同),若再加上這一年當中Yuga Labs給予持有者的各種空投,如MAYC(Mutant Ape Yacht Club)(地板價26.6ETH)、BAKC(Bored Ape Kennel Club)(地板價8.4ETH)、$APE幣(一個NFT可獲得1萬多顆,一顆價值約$16美金)、Otherside土地(地板價3.4ETH)等,則至少超過2000倍。