2022-10-25|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 8 分鐘

Text Party

    Be your best friend by means of literary ground. Be honest, be genuine, be candid.
    Be your best friend by means of literary ground. Communicate and exchange with each other.
    First, your texts leap out and dance with mine.
    I am fond of you at the start.
    I mean my texts are willing to be acquainted and have fun with you. Because your texts describe that the waltz is the most straightforward dance.
    Your text administrator makes gentle and soft responses to every lonely writer.
    I prefer the waltz the most. Watching you dance with duet, with others, and dance lightly and gracefully, I can't help but dance to the music with my insanity.
    At that time, you stared at me intriguingly. I mean my writings.
    Afterwards, you drew a wild rose without thorns for me, and pulled it out from the top of drawing paper. Lively colors brought forth fragrance.
    After that, you held me, and we stared at each other. One of your hands slid down my smooth back, then to my waist, softly hugged me to your chest and started swinging with me. We danced out of the hall all the way to a secluded space where there was neither one nor each other's master.
    In the serene space, Erik Satie's "Gymnopèdie No.1"was performed. We were affectionate to hug mutually. You mentioned that I was the most glaring boy at the party. After the end of music, you seemed to remember something, ran back to the hall and started to... Flirt with your friends by means of literary ground.
    I stayed in the corner with my torn clothes, feeling so cold and so upset.
    In the end, I let the owl take a corner of my tattered clothes to search for you so that the secret could not be disclosed to anyone in the party.
    The owl came back but didn't bring you back. In order to let the owl fly a round again, I could only tear off another corner of my clothes.
    Eventually, you came back this time, gently wrapped me with your big coat and brought a bunch of flowers that you hastily picked as the explosive purple petals were splashed by rain. "I'm so sorry! It's my fault."You said. I cleaned up my appearance, put on your coat, and my tears had already been dry. Your car has left the parking lot. I walk into the hall and have a seat.
    Indeed, we are all immaculately dressed with beautiful and destructive power.
    When I saw you stand on the dance floor, I miss that day when your texts intruded into my mind.


    衣冠齊楚 文 字 派 對
    用以文會友的方式 坦胸露乳。 用以文會友的方式 跟大家交流。
    那時候,你興致盎然瞧我(我是指我文字工廠 裡的)。
    你整理裝束扒扒頭髮「對不起,是我不好。」 我收拾自己的外表,披著你的外衣,擦乾眼淚。
    我走進大廳找了個位置坐下, 披著你的外套, 尋下一個舞伴。

    概念提供:以文會友王 文:Nam 譯:Sandy Tao 圖:熟齡文青
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