2022-12-30|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘


    2023, Sunday

    "Do you set aside some moments for yourself to relax every day?" Sure.
    In the morning, we went to the "砂卡礑步道(Shakadang Trail)" and the "月崖灣親子農場(Yueyawan Parent-child Farm)". In the afternoon, we went bowling. After dinner, we returned to the hotel, enjoyed Taiwanese fried chicken, watched TV, and celebrated the New Year. It was a joyful day []~( ̄▽ ̄)~*

    2022, Saturday

    In "我吃了那男孩一整年的早餐(My Best Friend's Breakfast)", the mother of the female protagonist says, "But in this world, there is nothing that must be forever."
    On the last day of this year, how should it be spent? The books to be read, the delivery to be run, all as usual.
    How should the new year be welcomed? Eat what needs to be eaten, sleep when it's time to sleep, and "after finishing the soup, we can't cry anymore!"
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