Daphne and Laurel Tree

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Even though Daphne is the daughter of the water goddess Creusa and the river god Penius, she still does many things by herself, which probably has something to do with her nature-loving instinct. She lives in the countryside, working at sunrise and resting at sunset. One day, when she was collecting some fruits, she heard the sound of trampling on the grass from behind. She looked back and saw a handsome man. The man introduced himself to her, and it turned out that he was Apollo, the son of Leto, the Titan, and Zeus, the king of the gods. But he suddenly changed the subject and began to praise Daphne’s appearance. Then he poured out his love for her, and complemented himself. He tried to convince Daphne that he would be a great lover, at least, he won’t be like his father Zeus. Not only being confused, but also Daphne was very afraid of his behavior. She had never seen such a frivolous man like him. His words were mostly praises of himself, even when he wooed a woman.
Daphne once vowed to be like Artemis, the goddess of hunting, not to have sex and relationship with men. They will dedicate their lives to the things they really love. Was this vow going to be broken today? She plucked up her courage, and tried many times. But she could not find the right time to interrupt Apollo. When Apollo’s hand reached her face, she screamed, turned around and ran away without looking back. Apollo was stunned, he did not understand what went wrong, and he thought maybe Daphne was too shy and introverted. Therefore, he chased after her, unhurriedly, as if teasing his prey with ease. After all, Daphne’s divine power could not be compared with Apollo’s, and the situation of chasing and escaping could not last forever. It was not only Daphne’s physical strength that was exhausted, but also Apollo’s patience. The rich language of love gradually changed, from love to a demonstration. No one would ever believe that a male god like Apollo could utter such vicious words with his handsome face.
Daphne was finally exhausted and knelt down on the ground. Looking at her like this, Apollo’s anger disappeared suddenly, because he knew that she was already in his palm. At the same time, the water in the river slowly gushed out of the river as if it was alive, climbed onto the grass, and gradually enveloped Daphne. The truth is when she was resting, she prayed to her mother in her heart, let her escape this disaster, and let her become a real part of nature. She was unwilling to succumb to Apollo’s despotic power, but she did not have the power to resist the male god like him. Her body changed shape with the water, which slowly receded from her and back into the river. At this time, Apollo realized that Daphne had become a laurel tree. He felt sad but mostly angry. It was so close to getting what he wanted. When did the son of Zeus ever suffer this kind of grievance. While beating the tree vigorously, he asked why Daphne would rather become a tree than accept a male god like him. Daphne, who had turned into a tree, of course couldn’t answer his question. But she really wanted to ask him why she had to accept his love. After all, it was more like teasing than admiration.
Daphne, who has turned into a tree, could not see, but her senses of hear, smell, and especially touch have become extremely sensitive. Therefore, she could feel pain when Apollo’s fist hit her body. At this moment, she suddenly felt a wave of anger slowly rising from her lower abdomen, gradually spreading to her whole body. In the past, although she loved nature, she always felt like a bystander, but now she has broken through a certain barrier. The temperature of the sun shined on her body, the way the wind caressed her, and the smell of flowers and plants, all of them surpassed the previous feelings. She had really become a part of nature now, as if she could perceive the changes of the world and all things.
Tired of venting, Apollo sat by the laurel tree, crying and mourning his loss and his efforts. Drowning in the emotion of pity for himself, he didn’t notice her change. Slowly the roots of the laurel tree emerged from the soil until at last Daphne, or should rather say the whole tree, stood above the soil. She took a step forward, and the ground shook. On Apollo’s shocked face, there were still tears not wiped away. Seeing the laurel tree coming towards him, he thought that his sincerity had finally moved Daphne. So he smiled through tears and promised to take Daphne back to Mount Olympus, and everyone would be able to change her back. Perhaps this was the first time she became a tree, Daphne was not able to control her body very well. Although her steps were slow, each step was full of strength, and she slowly approached him. Before Apollo’s hand touched Daphne again, she crushed Apollo with her foot. Apollo’s roar barely reached his throat, his chattering voice was buried by Daphne’s heavy body. Daphne stood aside, Apollo, who was still handsome just now, turned into pure meat, but gods won’t die so easily. Apollo’s voice seemed to be heard from his meat, so Daphne stretched out her tree roots to approach him. Miraculously, his meat was slowly sucked into her body like water. At the same time, she felt the power from her lower abdomen again.
After a while of spinning around, she felt that she opened her eyes and found that she could see now, and she saw her hands. She could also touch her face and body with her hands. It seemed that there were many differences from her before, but in fact there was no difference. There was a crown made of laurel leaves on her head, which she could change into human and tree between wearing and taking it off. This might have been the power given to her by her mother, and she absorbed Apollo’s body. It was the result of the multiplication of the two. More importantly, her reluctance and her anger allowed her to regain the inherent power of a female. She seemed to be the carefree girl she was before, but only she knew that everything was different. She no longer hesitated, no longer afraid. She still lives in the countryside, but her schedule becomes unstable, especially when she hears a woman or girl calling for help, she will turn into a laurel tree again. Let the invaders and harassers experience the same situation as Apollo. Sometimes she thought of the affairs she had heard about Apollo’s father Zeus before, and she realized the truth now. Therefore, she prays and hopes in her heart. Hmmm, she wonders when Zeus will come here.
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/ 大家現在出門買東西還會帶錢包嗎 鴨鴨發現自己好像快一個禮拜沒帶錢包出門 還是可以天天買滿買好回家(? 因此為了記錄手機消費跟各種紅利優惠 鴨鴨都會特別注意銀行的App好不好用! 像是介面設計就是會很在意的地方 很多銀行通常會為了要滿足不同客群 會推出很多App讓使用者下載 每次
長得漂亮女生出門要小心.. 這是發生在希臘聯邦城市中的阿提卡的事件 有一名少女被一隻大老鷹綁架了,那隻老鷹實在太強大, 居然可以強大的力量抓住人還能飛行 而被綁架的是一個很美麗的少女,她的名字叫做埃葵娜, 埃葵娜的父親阿索波斯,為了奪回女兒騎著馬一路追到科林斯大喊道 「把我的女兒還來
這次不再說愚蠢的人欸愛情了. 歐薄荷又稱綠薄荷,是跟薄荷是另外一個品種 當然又是希臘的八點黨故事及所發生的狗血故事啦 據說在希臘幫城旁的充滿翠綠森林中,有一個精靈叫做敏狄, 是個身材高大肌肉皆實,外貌俊美,風度翩翩, 性向喜歡異性(對!不然你以為我說的是比利王嗎?) 而且幽默風趣,不管是
男人與男人的愛情堅固如磐石.. 是一個奧林匹斯的淒美的悲劇故事, 這次的是太陽神阿波羅與他非常要好的好基友 希臘幫城某個王國的王子塞普勒斯, 據說希臘八卦周刊報導,這名美少年賽普勒斯非常的英俊 經幫城所有美女統計調查,居然名氣超過宇宙第一美男神阿波羅 而阿波羅卻並不在意(應為他應該是
希臘的亂來二人組...  馬鬱蘭是愛神阿芙羅狄忒專屬的植物代表之一 其實希臘神話的八卦劇情大概有3/5的是都是癡漢之神宙斯統的樓子 1/5是其他的眾神幹的蠢事, 那麼剩下的1/5就是愛神阿芙羅狄忒搞得 兩人堪稱奧林匹斯麻煩製造二人組(尤其是愛情部分), 一個在地面上到處製造混血英雄(
小品愛情 紫羅蘭的由來與他的故事,根據考察據說是希臘神話奧林匹斯愛神阿芙蘿黛蒂 因著她所愛的情人遠去出國深造,有可能就無法再回來了 「留下來,不然就到我一起走」阿芙蘿黛蒂說道 「我愛之人,我真的想留下來,但是我得要面對自己的命運,我想這就是宿命了」 「只要我們在一起沒什麼命運可以阻擋我
我達達的馬蹄聲,是妳一生美麗的錯誤 向日葵的故事是最著名的事,莫過於希臘奧林匹斯神的八卦誹聞 有一次水澤仙女克麗泰在地面上忙於水邊植物的公務時, 就剛好太陽神阿波羅麵包,與他姐姐阿蒂蜜絲特休一起去森林打獵去 在阿波羅去追一隻被他盯上倒楣的鹿,一鹿狂追殺恰巧經過了水澤 就這樣阿波羅見到了
希臘諸神行為都很自由 有關四處亂搞事情的神,大多都是宙斯捅出來的, 其次就是阿芙羅黛蒂,這兩位生活多采多姿的搞事二人組, 也因為這樣人間就有一卡車的宙斯的私生子, 在那個英雄集結裡面都不是一般的正常人, 而被宙斯喜歡上的女子, 就會被奧林匹斯偵信社大隊長兼宙斯的老婆希拉盯上,大部
/ 大家現在出門買東西還會帶錢包嗎 鴨鴨發現自己好像快一個禮拜沒帶錢包出門 還是可以天天買滿買好回家(? 因此為了記錄手機消費跟各種紅利優惠 鴨鴨都會特別注意銀行的App好不好用! 像是介面設計就是會很在意的地方 很多銀行通常會為了要滿足不同客群 會推出很多App讓使用者下載 每次
長得漂亮女生出門要小心.. 這是發生在希臘聯邦城市中的阿提卡的事件 有一名少女被一隻大老鷹綁架了,那隻老鷹實在太強大, 居然可以強大的力量抓住人還能飛行 而被綁架的是一個很美麗的少女,她的名字叫做埃葵娜, 埃葵娜的父親阿索波斯,為了奪回女兒騎著馬一路追到科林斯大喊道 「把我的女兒還來
這次不再說愚蠢的人欸愛情了. 歐薄荷又稱綠薄荷,是跟薄荷是另外一個品種 當然又是希臘的八點黨故事及所發生的狗血故事啦 據說在希臘幫城旁的充滿翠綠森林中,有一個精靈叫做敏狄, 是個身材高大肌肉皆實,外貌俊美,風度翩翩, 性向喜歡異性(對!不然你以為我說的是比利王嗎?) 而且幽默風趣,不管是
男人與男人的愛情堅固如磐石.. 是一個奧林匹斯的淒美的悲劇故事, 這次的是太陽神阿波羅與他非常要好的好基友 希臘幫城某個王國的王子塞普勒斯, 據說希臘八卦周刊報導,這名美少年賽普勒斯非常的英俊 經幫城所有美女統計調查,居然名氣超過宇宙第一美男神阿波羅 而阿波羅卻並不在意(應為他應該是
希臘的亂來二人組...  馬鬱蘭是愛神阿芙羅狄忒專屬的植物代表之一 其實希臘神話的八卦劇情大概有3/5的是都是癡漢之神宙斯統的樓子 1/5是其他的眾神幹的蠢事, 那麼剩下的1/5就是愛神阿芙羅狄忒搞得 兩人堪稱奧林匹斯麻煩製造二人組(尤其是愛情部分), 一個在地面上到處製造混血英雄(
小品愛情 紫羅蘭的由來與他的故事,根據考察據說是希臘神話奧林匹斯愛神阿芙蘿黛蒂 因著她所愛的情人遠去出國深造,有可能就無法再回來了 「留下來,不然就到我一起走」阿芙蘿黛蒂說道 「我愛之人,我真的想留下來,但是我得要面對自己的命運,我想這就是宿命了」 「只要我們在一起沒什麼命運可以阻擋我
我達達的馬蹄聲,是妳一生美麗的錯誤 向日葵的故事是最著名的事,莫過於希臘奧林匹斯神的八卦誹聞 有一次水澤仙女克麗泰在地面上忙於水邊植物的公務時, 就剛好太陽神阿波羅麵包,與他姐姐阿蒂蜜絲特休一起去森林打獵去 在阿波羅去追一隻被他盯上倒楣的鹿,一鹿狂追殺恰巧經過了水澤 就這樣阿波羅見到了
希臘諸神行為都很自由 有關四處亂搞事情的神,大多都是宙斯捅出來的, 其次就是阿芙羅黛蒂,這兩位生活多采多姿的搞事二人組, 也因為這樣人間就有一卡車的宙斯的私生子, 在那個英雄集結裡面都不是一般的正常人, 而被宙斯喜歡上的女子, 就會被奧林匹斯偵信社大隊長兼宙斯的老婆希拉盯上,大部