解放軍 61398 部隊:MANDIANT 發表解放軍從事駭客行動

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Report: Chinese military engaged in 'extensive cyber espionage campaign'◎CNN(2013.02.19)http://money.cnn.com/2013/02/19/technology/china-military-cybercrime/index.html?iid=Lead

An American cybersecurity firm has linked one of the world's most prolific groups of computer hackers to the Chinese government, saying in a new report that an extensive cyber-espionage campaign is being waged from a location near Shanghai.

The security firm, Mandiant, detailed the allegations in a 60-page report published Tuesday that describes the group's tactics over a six-year period.

The Virginia-based Mandiant, which helps companies detect and respond to cyber threats, said it has observed the group of hackers -- called the "comment crew" -- systematically steal hundreds of terabytes of data from at least 141 organizations across 20 industries worldwide since 2006.

Mandiant claims the activity can be traced to four networks near Shanghai -- with some operations taking place in a location that is also the headquarters of Unit 61398, a secret division of China's military.

"The sheer scale and duration of sustained attacks against such a wide set of industries from a singularly identified group based in China leaves little doubt about the organization behind [the group]," Mandiant said.  "We believe the totality of the evidence we provide in this document bolsters the claim that [the group] is Unit 61398."

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei dismissed the hacking charges on Tuesday, insisting that China is the victim of many cyberattacks -- most originating in the United States.

"Making baseless accusations based on premature analysis is irresponsible and unprofessional," he said. "China resolutely oppose any form of hacking activities."

Last month, the Chinese defense ministry said the country's military "has never supported any hacker activities."

The latest accusation against Beijing comes amid concerns about the breadth and depth of cyberattacks originating in China.  Recently, several leading U.S. news organizations reported their computer systems had been attacked by China-based hackers.

Mandiant estimates that hundreds, and perhaps thousands, of people work within Unit 61398, which is housed in a 12-story, 130,663 square-foot facility.

Organizations in English-speaking countries are the primary victims of the comment crew -- making up 87% of the 141 attacks observed by Mandiant.  One hundred and fifteen attacks targeted organizations in the United States.

The hackers have a "well-defined attack methodology," and Mandiant said the group has stolen large volumes of intellectual property, including technology blueprints, proprietary manufacturing processes and business plans.

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The report did not list companies or agencies that have been attacked.

Mandiant was able to pinpoint the identities of three individuals working with the group.  The report identifies the hackers who use the monikers "Ugly Gorilla," "dota" and "SuperHard."  It tracks their activities in an unusually detailed manner, including information on their e-mail accounts, cell phones and hacking techniques.

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Government and intelligence officials in the United States are increasingly concerned about the threats posed by cybercrime, especially from government actors.

Outgoing Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said last year that a cyberattack could be crippling, citing risks to the power grid, Wall Street and the financial system.

"We are literally getting hundreds of thousands of attacks everyday that try to exploit information in various agencies and departments and frankly throughout this country," Panetta said.

Earlier this month, President Obama signed an executive order designed to address the country's most basic cybersecurity needs -- and highlighted the effort in his State of the Union address.

The order will make it easier for private companies in control of the nation's critical infrastructure to share information about cyberattacks with the government.  The order also directs the government to work with the private sector on standards that will help protect companies from cybercrime.

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In recent weeks, The New York Times, Washington Post and Wall Street Journal have disclosed that their computer networks had been targeted by hackers in China.

The New York Times, which hired Mandiant to help mitigate the threat, reported Tuesday that the comment crew was not the source of the attack on its network.

Of course, China is not the only country thought to be involved in cyberattacks.  The existence of several other state-sponsored cyberweapons have been reported in recent years, with names like Stuxnet, Duqu and Flame.  The U.S. government is widely believed to have played a role in developing some of those viruses, with an eye toward containing Iran.  

中國外交部回應(2013.02.19) http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_chn/fyrbt_602243/t1014798.shtml






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在許多國家,軍隊被認為是保護國家及其人民免受外來威脅和內部動亂的機構。然而,對於中國解放軍而言,其功能似乎更多地集中在保衛共產黨的政權上,而非保護中國人民。這種觀點不僅在平時表現明顯,更在災難發生時顯現出來。    在中國,解放軍一直以來被視為中國共產黨的武裝力量,其角色被定位為保衛並維護中國人
什麼? “三蹦子”也能飛上天。 不信,請看下圖。 能陸行,能飛天,這真是解放軍的一款神器。 要瞭解這款神器,先要搞清楚什麼叫“三蹦子”。 “三蹦子”是三輪車的別稱,三輪車是靠三個輪子在陸地上行走的交通工具,起初的三輪車靠人力驅動,由於人在蹬三輪的時候,遇到逆風或者想要快速騎行,需要在車上處於半
壹、海軍潛艦幹部問題 中國人民解放軍海軍於選拔和管理潛艦軍官的方式,增加了解放軍潛艦上出現人為失誤的可能性。第一,中國人民解放軍海軍潛艦軍官是多數應徵者挑選,這些應徵者高考分數是為中國人民解放軍教育機構中最低的,意謂海軍潛艦軍官是該服務部門中最不具才能軍官。第二,中國人民解放軍海軍潛艦決策層級是由
壹、前言 現今時代,一國家於世界秩序中的地位與競爭-危機-衝突連續體中的表現,不僅取決於軍事實力,包含國力,其中所有國家戰略資源的協同利用。烏俄戰爭就是鮮明的例子,其中政府、軍隊、文化和國際資源的協同利用為表面上軍事實力較弱的一方帶來競爭優勢。 中共從毛澤東時代開始就一直追求某種形式的軍民融合。
中共中央總書記習近平 在二十大報告表示 要如期實現建軍一百年奮鬥目標 即是2027年解放軍建立一百周年 要加快把軍隊建成世界一流軍隊 完成全面建設社會主義現代化國家的戰略要求 習近平表示 要加快軍事理論現代化 軍隊組織形態現代化 軍事人員現代化 武器裝備現代化 提高捍衛國家主權、安全、發展利益戰略能
原文撰於2014/4/25,我還是個快樂留學生的時代。 今天去了靖國神社。我這輩子第一次來到空氣那麼沈重的"觀光景點",算是開了眼界。沒人大聲講話,甚至看不到人拍照之類的真是一個異常的空間。(但是靖國神社對日本人來說應該不會是觀光景點,該怎麼定位也很微妙)
自中國推動「一帶一路」項目起,西方媒體便頻繁使用「債務陷阱」(Debt-trap diplomacy)一詞,諷指其為矯飾野心的「笑裡藏刀」。然而此舉除了是對中國發起輿論攻勢外,也在某種程度上「另類回憶」了西方班班可考的黑歷史。而伴隨近期台海緊張局勢加劇,美國似又對台「故技重施」。 11月4日,美國
9月27日,英國海軍於推特(Twitter)上發帖稱,英國海軍23型護衛艦「里契蒙」號(HMS Richmond)正在通過台灣海峽,「里契蒙」號的官方推特同樣發文呼應:「在與東海的合作夥伴和盟友一起工作,忙碌一段時間後,我們正在通過台灣海峽,前往訪問越南與越南人民海軍」。如此舉措,暴露了幾處不尋常
美國海軍新布局,第一艦隊和太平洋多國聯合艦隊箭在弦上,將反制解放軍在太平洋西岸的布局。解放軍則以短中程導彈,打擊第一島鏈有生力量,美海軍評估如果新太平洋戰爭打響,將會在集結的時候被殲滅。 為此,美方將調整戰術訓練,將海空軍分散為不同的小隊,搭配海軍陸戰隊兩棲作戰,精準打擊解放軍反艦火力
在許多國家,軍隊被認為是保護國家及其人民免受外來威脅和內部動亂的機構。然而,對於中國解放軍而言,其功能似乎更多地集中在保衛共產黨的政權上,而非保護中國人民。這種觀點不僅在平時表現明顯,更在災難發生時顯現出來。    在中國,解放軍一直以來被視為中國共產黨的武裝力量,其角色被定位為保衛並維護中國人
什麼? “三蹦子”也能飛上天。 不信,請看下圖。 能陸行,能飛天,這真是解放軍的一款神器。 要瞭解這款神器,先要搞清楚什麼叫“三蹦子”。 “三蹦子”是三輪車的別稱,三輪車是靠三個輪子在陸地上行走的交通工具,起初的三輪車靠人力驅動,由於人在蹬三輪的時候,遇到逆風或者想要快速騎行,需要在車上處於半
壹、海軍潛艦幹部問題 中國人民解放軍海軍於選拔和管理潛艦軍官的方式,增加了解放軍潛艦上出現人為失誤的可能性。第一,中國人民解放軍海軍潛艦軍官是多數應徵者挑選,這些應徵者高考分數是為中國人民解放軍教育機構中最低的,意謂海軍潛艦軍官是該服務部門中最不具才能軍官。第二,中國人民解放軍海軍潛艦決策層級是由
壹、前言 現今時代,一國家於世界秩序中的地位與競爭-危機-衝突連續體中的表現,不僅取決於軍事實力,包含國力,其中所有國家戰略資源的協同利用。烏俄戰爭就是鮮明的例子,其中政府、軍隊、文化和國際資源的協同利用為表面上軍事實力較弱的一方帶來競爭優勢。 中共從毛澤東時代開始就一直追求某種形式的軍民融合。
中共中央總書記習近平 在二十大報告表示 要如期實現建軍一百年奮鬥目標 即是2027年解放軍建立一百周年 要加快把軍隊建成世界一流軍隊 完成全面建設社會主義現代化國家的戰略要求 習近平表示 要加快軍事理論現代化 軍隊組織形態現代化 軍事人員現代化 武器裝備現代化 提高捍衛國家主權、安全、發展利益戰略能
原文撰於2014/4/25,我還是個快樂留學生的時代。 今天去了靖國神社。我這輩子第一次來到空氣那麼沈重的"觀光景點",算是開了眼界。沒人大聲講話,甚至看不到人拍照之類的真是一個異常的空間。(但是靖國神社對日本人來說應該不會是觀光景點,該怎麼定位也很微妙)
自中國推動「一帶一路」項目起,西方媒體便頻繁使用「債務陷阱」(Debt-trap diplomacy)一詞,諷指其為矯飾野心的「笑裡藏刀」。然而此舉除了是對中國發起輿論攻勢外,也在某種程度上「另類回憶」了西方班班可考的黑歷史。而伴隨近期台海緊張局勢加劇,美國似又對台「故技重施」。 11月4日,美國
9月27日,英國海軍於推特(Twitter)上發帖稱,英國海軍23型護衛艦「里契蒙」號(HMS Richmond)正在通過台灣海峽,「里契蒙」號的官方推特同樣發文呼應:「在與東海的合作夥伴和盟友一起工作,忙碌一段時間後,我們正在通過台灣海峽,前往訪問越南與越南人民海軍」。如此舉措,暴露了幾處不尋常
美國海軍新布局,第一艦隊和太平洋多國聯合艦隊箭在弦上,將反制解放軍在太平洋西岸的布局。解放軍則以短中程導彈,打擊第一島鏈有生力量,美海軍評估如果新太平洋戰爭打響,將會在集結的時候被殲滅。 為此,美方將調整戰術訓練,將海空軍分散為不同的小隊,搭配海軍陸戰隊兩棲作戰,精準打擊解放軍反艦火力