更新於 2023/05/15閱讀時間約 6 分鐘



    Representative Rivera on the hearing of “Why Taiwan Matters”



    Representative Rivera 先表示常接觸台灣,了解台美與中國的各種問題,認為台灣是美國重要的盟友。他說:

    中國十年來的擴軍,對台灣及該區域造成明顯而即時的威脅。這威脅不只限於我們在這裡所討論的,對美國政府也有其意涵。我們的政府,很明顯地,也受到中國施壓,任由中國用盡各種方式控制台灣,以及美國對台政策。我一直認為我們政府很過份,竟不允許台灣高層領導者到美國及華府。我重申,中國絕對不可以操控我們國家的外交政策。而我們對軍售的缺乏行動力,也明白顯示,中國為了國防及外交的利益,正在對我們政府施壓。如同我在委員會所曾經說過的,與盟友站在一起,是很重要的事情。尤其在此次聽證會的這個案子上,我們應該要軍售台灣F-16戰機及柴油潛水艇,因為中國已造成區域性的威脅。此時,我們應該協助像台灣這麼好的盟友,跟他們站在同一陣線上,供應他們國防所亟需的防禦。 (China’s large military expansion throughout the past decade, I believe, poses a clear and present danger to Taiwan and the entire region, a threat that may have implications for the United States, as well as has been discussed here today. This Administration, I believe, as well has clearly been pressured by the Chinese to control Taiwan and Taiwan policy in every way possible. I still find it unconscionable how our government refuses to allow any senior leaders of Taiwan’s government into the United States and into Washington DC. China should never, I repeat never, dictate our nation’s foreign policy. And our lack of action when it relates to arms sales to Taiwan is a clear sign that the Chinese are pressuring us in order to further China’s interest with respect to defense and foreign policy. As I have previously stated in this committee, it’s important for the United States to stand with our allies. And I believe, specifically in this case with respect to this hearing, it’s important to know that we must deliver those F-16s and diesel submarines to Taiwan because the Chinese military poses a clear threat to the region. It’s time that we commit to helping a great friend like Taiwan and act with them in providing them these defense systems that are critical to their national self-defense.)


    接著Rivera請唐耐心(Professor Nancy B. Tucker 簡扼說明為何白宮西廂的國安會認為不該軍售台灣。Tucker 認為中國在對美國政府施壓。雖然也有人為台灣發聲,但美國政府權衡利害輕重之下,台灣落下風。


    第二位發表意見者是薛瑞福(Randall G.Schriver。他身處政府高層,深知其決策運作。他表示,除了

    Tucker所提的中國企圖影響美國決策之外,時間壓力(the tyranny of the schedule)也是主因。美國政府總是在找適當時間發佈軍售消息。但是從五月開始一件又一件的美中重要外交活動,加上官員緊湊的國會行程,造成塞車,軍售宣布就一直延宕。另一方面,中國的要求也愈累積愈多。這些美國官員應該已經對這些事情應付得不錯了,但是Schriver認為,面對中國時,官員們必須還要更大膽、展現更多勇氣來處理衝突。歷史經驗顯示,沒什麼衝突是無法應付的


    最後Representative Rivera做結論:

    It seems pretty clear from just the panel I’ve heard that this administration is kowtowing to pressure for a variety of reasons from the Chinese. Hopefully, they will reconsider those positions and stand by our ally Taiwan….



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