It is a sensitive day to Chinese modern history, the 18th September. On this very day, the China Review News reported that the Leontief Center suggested the government of Vladivostok, the administrative city of “Primorsky Krai” or Maritime Federal Subject ( Maritime Province ) to lease two largest districts to China for 75 years.
Russia acquired Vladivostok as well as entire Sakhalin by the Treaty of Algun in 1858. Vladivostok and Maritime region was established in 1860. It is now a naval base port of Russian Pacific Fleet and the biggest city of Russian Pacific coast.
It is very interesting to see how the neighboring Japan and two Koreas see this, if the news is true.
Also, it is curious to know how Chinese redefine the term “leased territory” in its history.
俄戰略機構建議:把海參崴“租”給中國75年 ■中評網(2009.09.18)
中評社北京9月18日電/位於俄聖彼得堡的「裡昂惕夫研究中心」日前向俄遠東符拉迪沃斯托克(海參崴)政府建議,為了經濟發展將當地大部分土地租給中國,租期為75年。 人民網報道,符拉迪沃斯托克政府委托「裡昂惕夫研究中心」制定當地《2020年戰略發展規劃》報告。其中一項建議就是,將符拉迪沃斯托克市的最大的兩個區(彼爾沃馬伊斯克和列寧區)以及郭爾諾斯塔海灣租借給中國。那裡可以設置直屬哈爾濱的中國行政機構,其它地方可以設置海關和邊界點。 俄媒報道說,該報告將這一計劃命名為「海參崴」(引用中國話--海參的港灣)。報告說,這一計劃對符拉迪沃斯托克來說是最具活力和有益的。報告認為,這樣會增加競爭力,將莫斯科周邊企業吸引到該地區。 報告說,租借費用可以用來維護符拉迪沃斯托克軍隊、艦船以及市政基礎設施。